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Agilent 1956-03 free download

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HEWLETT-PACKARD JOURNAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION FROM THE -hp- LABORATORIES Vol. 7 No. 7 PUBLISHED BY THE HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY, 275 PAGE MILL ROAD, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA MARCH, 1956 A New DC-300 KG High -Sensitivity Oscilloscope with Triggered Sweep Anew dc-300 kc general-purpose oscillo direct-reading frequency-compensated atten scope has been designed with a number uators. In addition, the instrument incorpo of valuable features usually found only in rates an accurate calibrator for both the ver the more expensive, high-frequency type os tical and horizontal systems. These features cilloscopes. These features have been speci are such as to enable the instrument to meas fically selected to make the oscilloscope a true ure voltages accurately within 5% over the measuring instrument capable of accurate amplitude range from 1 millivolt peak-to- measurements not only of voltage but of time peak to 500 volts peak-to-peak and over the and phase shift as well. frequency range from d-c to 300 kc. Since one of the important uses for an oscil Accurate measurements of time (i.e., dura loscope is as a highly flexible voltmeter, con tions, periods, or intervals) are made possible siderable care has been taken for an oscillo by designing the instrument so that it uses a scope of this class to make it suitable for triggered type sweep with a linear sweep measuring voltage. Its amplifiers have been generator. A triggered sweep is distinguished designed to have a high order of stability in from the more common synchronized sweep both a-c and d-c operation over the range in that it offers a method of obtaining high from d-c to 300 kc and are provided with linearity in the sweep, in that the speed of the

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