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Now downloading free:Agilent Release Note SW 253B A.05.50.2013.0426 ReleaseNotes SW A055020130426

Agilent Release Note SW 253B A.05.50.2013.0426 ReleaseNotes SW A055020130426 free download

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File name:Release Note SW_253B A.05.50.2013.0426 ReleaseNotes_SW_A055020130426.txt
Size:33 kB
Model:Release Note SW 253B A.05.50.2013.0426 ReleaseNotes SW A055020130426 🔎
Original:Release Note SW 253B A.05.50.2013.0426 ReleaseNotes SW A055020130426 🔎
Descr: Agilent Release Note SW_253B A.05.50.2013.0426 ReleaseNotes_SW_A055020130426.txt
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File name Release Note SW_253B A.05.50.2013.0426 ReleaseNotes_SW_A055020130426.txt

== Agilent B1500A/B1505A Software A.05.50.2013.0426 Release Notes == == CORRESPONDING FIRMWARE REVISION == This software A.05.50.2013.0426 works with the following firmware. - B1500A/B1505A: A.05.04 or later. - 415xB/C: HOSTC 03.08, SMUC 04.08 or later. == NEW FEATURES == The following features are added in this release. - B1511B support for B1500A - B1511B/E5288A support for B1500A - B1514A support for B1500A - B1511B support for B1505A - Contribution to Application Test Library - [8986] [EasyEXPERT] New Features Advertisement - [8987] [EasyEXERT] Remote Control Function - [8988] [EasyEXPERT] Information Generation for Technical Support - [8995] License for Agilent EasyEXPERT Extension - [8996] Support of import and export of Workspace == IMPROVEMENTS == The following improvements are added in this release. - [8948] [Tracer Test] Existing traces are to be cleared at the start of measurement. - [8965] [Tracer Test] Default interlacing for pulse mode VAR1 channel is to be 1. - [8968] [Application Test] PowerMOSFET Cgs and IGBT Cge application tests are to be changed to sweep Drain-Source/Collector Emitter voltage. - [8989] [I/V Sweep] Sweep points enhancement to 10,001 pts == FIXED DEFECTS == The following defects are fixed in this release. - [8961] [Oscilloscope View] Maximum setting for delay time is to be defined. - [8985] [EasyEPXERT] Memory leaks when repeating to open and close a workspace. - [8992] [DR13I-006] EasyEXPERT data display is not updated automatically. - [8993] [C-V Sweep] Model parameter name for L, Q, Y, B, and X are not saved in exported setup. - [8994] [N1265A Support] Unexpected error 105994 occurs for disabled assignment of Gate Control SMU which is assigned for N1266A or N1268A. == REVISION HISTORY == Fixed Defects: - [8972] [Oscilloscope View] Delay may increase unexpectedly for each measurement in case of duration above 4ms. New Features: - [8932] [ER12I-149] EasyEXPERT: Readout function to refer the latest AutoAnalysis Result on ASSIGN. - "Ic-Ib for Expanders" and "G-Plot for Expanders" are added in the PowerBJT category of Application Library. Fixed Defects: - [8752] EasyEXPERT database restoration may fail. - [8925] [N1268A Support] Unexpected error 1004 may occur depending on pulse base and peak settings. - [8927] [N1265A/N1266A/N1268A Support] Standby Channel Definition may be left disabled after losing communication with expanders. - [8929] [UHCU 500A Version Support] Recalling or importing fails for setups using UHCU of 500A version. - [8933] [N1267A Support] Time offset definition in Signal Monitor application tests for GaN Current Collapse is different from Oscilloscope View. - [8934] Error occurs for exporting test result of empty Tracer Test setup. - [8940] [Tracer Tes

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