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Now downloading free:Agilent 5959-8753 English 2013-08-19 PDF 107 KB c20140725 [4]

Agilent 5959-8753 English 2013-08-19 PDF 107 KB c20140725 [4] free download

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File name 5959-8753 English _ 2013-08-19 _ PDF 107 KB c20140725 [4].pdf

Keysight 772D, 773D Directional Couplers 2 to 18 GHz Technical Overview Introduction New Performance Standards in Microwave Couplers The Keysight Technologies, Inc. 772D dual directional coaxial coupler and 773D directional coupler are high directivity couplers designed for broadband swept relectometer measurements and leveling applications in the 2 to 18 GHz fre- quency range. With their wide frequency coverage, one of these couplers can replace several couplers without perfor- mance degradation, thus adding convenience and economy by reducing setup and calibration time. The high directivity and low main line SWR make it possible to achieve excellent source match. The smaller size and light weight of the 773D directional coupler make it much easier to use on the bench. The addition of threaded mounting holes makes it an ideal candidate for use inside equipment in leveling loop applications. Low SWR and lat coupling variation from 2 to 18 GHz and high power capability make these couplers ideal for your most demanding measurement needs. Keysight 772D Keysight 773D Description Dual directional coupler Directional coupler Frequency range 2 to 18 GHz 2 to 18 GHz Minimum directivity 39 dB (0.1

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