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Sanyo LMU-TK12ATC free download

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Descr:LMU-TK12ATC Industrial LCD Monitor Service Manual
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SERVICE MANUAL LMU-TK12ATC (With Touch Panel) INDUSTRIAL MONITOR (GENERAL) PRODUCT CODE NO. LMU-T 12ATC/SS 1 938 102 12 LMU-TK12ATC(K)/SS 1 938 102 37 LMU-TK12ATC(K)/UK 1 938 102 38 REFERENCE NO. SM 920016 INDEX Page PRECAUTIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 1, MAIN SPECIFICATION --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 2, TROUBLE SHOOTING ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4,5 3, MAINTENANCE Disassembling the major components ------------------------------------------------------ 6 4, BLOCK DIAGRAM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 5, CONNECTION DIAGRAM ------------------------------------------------------------------ 8 6, TABLE OF SIGNAL NAME ----------------------------------------------------------------- 9,10 7, EXPLODED VIEW AND PARTS LIST 7-1Exploded View --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 7-2 Parts List ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12-14 8, APPENDIX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 Refer to the separate volume user's guide for instruction. -1- PRECAUTIONS Placement precautions l Avoid placing the unit in humid or dusty places, or where it will be exposed to excessive heat (direct sunlight, heaters, etc.) l Do not step on or set anything on the AC cord. DAMAGE TO THE AC CORD IS A SAFETY RISK AND CAN CAUSE A FIRE. l Do not connect the unit to the same AC as outlet with appliances that generate large amounts of interference (such as heaters with thermostats, appliances with motors, etc.). It is best to use a completely separate electrical outlet. l Keep the unit away from water. If water accidentally enters the unit, unplug the AC power cord immediately. DO NOT PLUG IN THE UNIT AGAIN. Handling precautions l Avoid bending, kinking or damaging the AC power cord. l Never insert or remove the power cord with wet hands. Also, be sure to hold cord by the plug when removing it from the outlet. l Do not remove any parts that are held in place with screws. (The unit does not contain any user serviceable items.) l Maintain standard room temperature (5oC to 40 oC, or 41oF to 104 oF) during use. Do not subject the unit to shock or vibration. Do not move the unit while it is in use. l A rapid increase in room temperature in cool weather can cause condensation to from inside the unit. If this occurs, wait at least 15 minutes after turning the unit on before a

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