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Model:STK084 🔎
Group:Electronics > Components > Operational amplifiers
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Features I O IMST,'l Channel 2 PowerSupply. by ! AF Output Power STK-084:50 Wmin. 60 STK-085-1os: Wmin. S T K - 0 8 67 0 W m i n . : MAXIMUM RATINGSI Ta=25" C r Capable of setting protector for load shorting and tone contfoller. srK-oe4 t]T;|tu M a x i m u m u p p l yV o l t a g e S Vgg max srK-086 unit r50 155 155 Collector Current lg max 7 7 g;-c (Tg=zs"c) ThermalCoefficient 1.7 1.4 Temperature T6 Operating Case 85 105 85 -30to+100-30to+105 -30to+100 Storage Temperature Tsgt RECOMMENDED OPERATIONCONDITION/ Ta=25OC A oclw oc "c unit V ohm srK-084 srK-085 srK-086 Recommended SupplyVoltage V66 Load Resistance Rg ':r i*o3 srK-086 100 70 O.2 10 to 100k OPERAT|ONCHARACTERISTICS Ta=25"C, recommended VCC supplied, R1= 8 ohm, Rg=600ohm, I VG=26.4d8 srK-084 tlT;3tu -+ -+ 60 -+ --) unit mAmax Wmin o/offrdx Hz Quiescent Current lcco Output Power Distortion Po THD THD=0.2%, f=20 to 20 kHz f=20 to 2OkHz ratedoutput power P o = 1 W+ 0 , u o , -1 "" P o = l W ,f = 1 k H z 50 -) -+ F r e q u e n cR e s p o n s e f y Input Resistance ri EOUIVALENT IRCUIT C 52k APPLICATION: AF PowerAmp. ohm c1 STK-O84 50v 63V sTK-085-105 sTK-086 S.. th. op.ration ch.rst riniq q thir lBcitiotion.

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