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File information:
File name:High Quality Psu For Amplifier-Audio Op
[preview ]
Size:386 kB
Descr:1st class psu for audio / op amp
Group:Electronics > Components > Operational amplifiers
Multipart:No multipart

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File name High Quality Psu For Amplifier-Audio Op Amps - Layout.pdf

<--------------------------73mm-------------------------> LED1 2SA1015 A b c b e 100µF 47 B 3.3K e 100µF c b 250 220µF 0.1µF 12K 10K VR1 100µF UA7912 e c 2SC1815 4.7K 15v Z2 10K 1% 47µF 2SC1015 10 NE5532 OR EQ 0.1µF 220µF R9 3K 3K 10 12K R7 2SC1015 10K 1% 47µF 2SC1815 Z1 15v b c 100µF 3.3K e 100µF 0.1µF 12K UA7805 100µF UA7812 250 e c b b c e LED2 2SC1815 A 47 B Op Amp psu ext.pcb page 1 of 1
File name High Quality Psu For Amplifier-Audio Op Amps - PCB.pdf

<--------------------------73mm-------------------------> Op Amp psu ext.pcb page 1 of 1
File name High Quality Psu For Amplifier-Audio Op Amps - Schematic.pdf

High Quality Psu For Audio Op Amps Q2 2SA1015 PnP / TIP125 DC - Input INPUT 20v - 35v max TO92 100 ma 79L12 35v Low ESR 220µF poly IN OUT REF 16v 47µF OUT A 12v LED1 250 c e A 47 2SA1015 PnP B OUT - 100ma max b 3.3K 2SC1815 NpN e b 10 c Z1 15v 16v 100µF 1% 10K 25v Low ESR 100µF 25v 47µF 0.1µF 4.7K 12K 1 2 3 4 0 Volts IC1 V Adj 3K VR1 10K 3K 35v Low ESR 220µF 0.1µF IN OUT poly poly C7 0.1µF TO92 100 ma 78L05 REF IN OUT 0 Volts 8 7 6 5 12K 15v + 10 OUT B Z2 16v 100µF 15v 1% 10K 25v Low ESR 100µF 25v 47µF REF 12K b 16v 47µF 12v + LED2 3.3K e 250 2SA1015 PnP c b c Q1 e 47 2SC1815 NpN INPUT 20v - 35v max OUT + 100ma max DC + Input TO92 100 ma 78L12 A B For more powerfull psu change Q1 & Q2 for TIP121 / TIP125 and take power from point A instead of point B With Q1/Q2 Tip121 & 125 Output Current 5 Amps With Adequate Heatsinking and Input Output Voltage adjusted by VR1 Psu made & designed by [email protected] IC1 NE5532 or EQ Psu Schematic2.pcb page 1 of 1 2SC1815 NpN / TIP121

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