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Keithley 10005-1,3 free download

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Descr: Keithley 2001M CDROM Digital Multimeters - Data Acquisition - Switch Systems Product Information CD_Content pdfs app_notes 10005-1,3.pdf
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Network Primer and Programming Tutorial for the Model 2701 Ethernet- Based DMM/Data Acquisition System Introduction faces, the Model 2701 offers options other than simply con- Keithley's Model 2701 is the industry's first multipoint mea- necting the instrument directly to a PC controller in a closed surement and control system that fully integrates instrument- loop. The Model 2701 can be connected to a TCP/IP network quality resolution and sensitivity with Ethernet long distance using its own subnetwork, or it can be connected directly to networking capability. Its 61/2-digit (22-bit) measurement an existing network, including a corporate intranet. resolution is typically found on benchtop instruments that have only GPIB and RS-232 interfaces. Now, engineers and scientists can make sensitive measurements in a distributed data acquisition environment where long distance, industry- standard communications are needed. The Model 2701 can be used on a 10BaseT or 100BaseT Ethernet network. As with other Ethernet devices, this requires the installation and configuration of associated net- work interface cards (NICs) in a PC controller, installation of Figure 1. One-to-one connection with a crossover cable the TCP/IP protocol, and setting up TCP/IP addresses. This One-to-One Connection--A network crossover cable network primer is a short tutorial on how to accomplish these connection is similar to a typical RS-232 hookup using a null steps. Appendix B provides a glossary of networking termi- modem cable. The crossover cable has its receive (RX) and nology. transmit (TX) lines crossed to allow the receive line input to Setting Up Network Configurations be connected to the transmit output on the network inter- Ethernet is a type of Local Area Network (LAN) that works faces. With the Model 2701, this is only done when one with a variety of transmission media. Some of the more pop- instrument is being connected to a single NIC. ular variations are 10/100BaseT, 10Base2, and 10BaseF, which use unshielded twisted pair (UTP), coaxial cable, and optical fiber respectively. The Model 2701 is designed for a 10/100 BaseT network and uses a standard RJ45 connector. This is an eight-wire con- nector, but only four wires are used: one pair to transmit and one pair to receive data. A 10BaseT network can accommo- date transmission speeds up to 10Mbits/second; 100BaseT operates at up to 100Mbits/second. Both types of networks usually require Ethernet hubs to make connections. The exception is a one-to-one connection using a crossover cable.

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