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Now downloading free:FAIRCHILD KA5Q SERIES


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File name KA5Q SERIES.pdf KA5Q-SERIES KA5Q0765RT/KA5Q12656RT/KA5Q1265RF/ KA5Q1565RF Fairchild Power Switch(FPS) Features · · · · · · · · · Quasi Resonant Converter Controller Internal Burst Mode Controller for Stand-by Mode Pulse by Pulse Current Limiting Over Current Latch Protection Over Voltage Protection (Vsync: Min. 11V) Internal Thermal Shutdown Function Under Voltage Lockout Internal High Voltage Sense FET Auto-Restart Mode Description The Fairchild Power Switch(FPS) product family is specially designed for an off-line SMPS with minimal external components. The Fairchild Power Switch(FPS) consist of high voltage power SenseFET and current mode PWM controller IC. PWM controller features integrated fixed oscillator, under voltage lock out, leading edge blanking, optimized gate turn-on/ turn-off driver, thermal shut down protection, over voltage protection, temperature compensated precision current sources for loop compensation and fault protection circuit. compared to discrete MOSFET and controller or RCC switching converter solution, a Fairchild Power Switch(FPS) can reduce total component count, design size, and weight and at the same time increase & efficiency, productivity, and system reliability. It has a basic platform well suited for cost-effective design in quasi resonant converter as C-TV power supply. TO-220F-5L TO-3PF-5L 1 1 1. Drain 2. GND 3. VCC 4. FB 5. Sync Internal Block Diagram VCC DRAIN 3 + 32V + -1% 11V on 12V off Burst Mode 3.5V/1.25V Internal BIAS 1 + VREF + UVLO 15V/9V + S Ro Ron n QB Rof Roff f SYNC 5 Normal Mode 4.6V/2.6V VREF + - OSC R Ifb LEB 450ns FEEDBACK 4 2.5R R + Idelay 1V + S Q Offset + 7.5V Delay 80ns + - OLP Power on Reset OCL Thermal Shut Down Power on Reset (VCC=6.5V) + - Rsense 1V R Q S R Sync 12V 2 SOURCE OVP Rev.1.0.3 ©2003 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation KA5Q-SERIES Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25°C, unless otherwise specified) Characteristic KA5Q0765RT Drain-Gate Voltage(RGS=1M) Gate-Source(GND) Voltage Drain Current Pulsed (1) Symbol VDGR VGS IDM ID ID (2) Value 650 ±30 28 7.0 5.6 20(570) 40 -0.3 to VCC -0.3 to 13 47 0.37 +160 -25 to +85 -55 to +150 2.7 Unit V V ADC ADC ADC A(mJ) V V V W W/°C °C °C °C °C/W Continuous Drain Current (Tc = 25°C) Continuous Drain Current (Tc = 100°C) Single Pulsed Avalanch Current (Energy Maximum Supply Voltage Input Voltage Range Total Power Dissipation Operating Junction Temperature. Operating Ambient Temperature. Storage Temperature Range. Thermal Resistance (3) ) IAS(EAS) VCC,MAX VFB VSync PD Derating TJ TA TSTG Rthjc KA5Q12656RT Drain-Gate Voltage(RGS=1M) Gate-Source(GND) Voltage Drain Current Pulsed (1) VDGR VGS IDM ID ID (2) 650 ±30 48 12 8.4 30(950) 40 -0.3 to VCC -0.3 to13 55 0.4 +160 -25 to +85 -55 to +150 2.5 V V ADC ADC ADC A(mJ) V V V W W/°C °C °C °C °C/W Continuous Drain Current (Tc = 25°C) Continuous Drain Current (Tc = 100°C) Single Pulsed Avalanch Current(Energy Maximum Supply Voltage Input Voltage Ra

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