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Keithley 3668-1,0 free download

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Descr: Keithley 2001M CDROM Digital Multimeters - Data Acquisition - Switch Systems Product Information CD_Content pdfs app_notes 3668-1,0.pdf
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Number 2208 Application Note Solutions for Production Testing Series of Connectors Introduction become shorted tomorrow in an environment with high heat and vibration, such as under the hood of a car. As electronics have become increasingly pervasive, the Isolation is typically tested by applying a voltage across importance of electrical connectors has also increased dramatic- two pins in a connector and measuring the resulting current that ally. Quality connectors are vital to ensuring overall product flows between them. The corresponding resistance from the test reliability in applications ranging from motor vehicles to trans- is compared to a predetermined threshold value. If the resistance atlantic telecom systems. This application note addresses many level is too low, the connector is rejected. Common threshold of the issues involved in implementing a connector characteriza- levels range from 1M to 1T. The isolation resistance is tion system. shown as Riso in Figure 1. The degree and type of electrical testing that connectors When testing very high ohmic devices, the measured undergo typically depends on how crucial they are to the overall resistance may change significantly in response to a change in performance of the systems in which they're installed. Stringent the applied voltage, an effect known as the voltage coefficient of electrical tests are often specified when high reliability is resistance. This effect makes it preferable to test high value required. Obviously, connectors used in international telecommu- resistors with the constant voltage, measure current method. The nications systems are more crucial than the serial port connector actual test voltage chosen depends on the capabilities of the on the back of a deskt

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