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Coils and other documents RD28 free download

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Descr: . Electronic Components Datasheets Passive components capacitors CEC - PCE-TU# Coils and other documents RD28.pdf
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EMI SUPPRESSORS FEATURES l Use of high loss ferrite material. l Easy mounting on PC boards. l Available in a wide range of values and configurations to suit most of the applications. APPLICATIONS l Waveform correction of digital signals from digital applications l Absorption of high-frequency noise from data lines. Model Dimensions (mm) RD28 Specification table of EMI Suppressors RD28 Impedance Rated Dimensions (mm) Ferrite Model No Sample No. IZI() at 23 Current Material A B C D H 100MHz type (A) RD28-5 854706 123 7 EL5 8.5 5 2.3 0.6 6max 854708 133 7 EL5 RD28-6 8.5 6 2.3 0.6 7max 854709 125 7 EL5 RD28-8 854710 175 7 EL6E 8.5 8 2.3 0.6 9max Test Instrument: HP-4191A or HP-4395A Specifications other than the above will be furnished upon request. 63 EMI SUPPRESSORS IMPEDANCE Vs FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTICS OF RD28 TYPICAL ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS |Z| , R, X VS. FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTICS Specifications other than the above will be furnished upon request. 64

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