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Descr: . Electronic Components Datasheets Passive components capacitors CEC - PCE-TU# Coils and other documents CW.pdf
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RADIAL TYPE CHOKE COILS FEATURES l Contain high-frequency ferrite. l Comparatively large rated current. l Taping is also available which can be used in automated mounting lines. APPLICATIONS l Power supplies, DC-DC converters l TVs, VTRs, Telephones l Computers, Computer Peripherals, l Air-Conditioners, Home Electric Appliance l Electronic toys and games MATERIALS FOR CHOKE COILS Component Materials 1.Core Ferrite core 2.Wire Polyurethane enameled copper wires 3.Lead wire Soldered copper wires 4.Tube Heat shrinkable tube, PVC or UL 5.Glue Epoxy resin DIMENSION (mm) B C D MODEL A Max. E F TABLE max. min. min. CW34 4.0 6.0 10 15 0.5 1.3 P.126 CW45 5.0 7.0 10 15 0.6 2.0 P.127 CW57 7.0 8.5 10 15 0.6 2.5 P.128 CW65 6.8 7.5 10 15 0.6 3.0 P.129 CW68 7.5 10.0 10 15 0.6 3.0 P.130 CW77 8.0 9.0 10 15 0.6 4.5 P.131 CW8A 9.0 12 10 15 0.6 5 P.132 CW9B 10 13 10 15 0.8 5 P.133 CW9C 10 14 10 15 0.8 5 P.134 CWAA 11 12 10 15 0.8 6 P.135 CWAC 11 14 10 15 0.8 6 P.136 CWAG 11 18 10 15 0.8 6 P.137 CWCD 13 15 10 15 0.8 7.5 P.138 Specifications other than the above will be furnished upon request. 125 RADIAL TYPE CHOKE COILS Specification table of Radial type Choke Coils CW34 (H500-0068) TURNS WIRE INDUCTANCE UNLOADED D.C.R. RATED CURRENT S.R.F. (A) Max. PART No. STAMP (T) (mm) (H) Q () (MHz)

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