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Now downloading free:IBM C155 SNA Session Establishment White Paper; Cobban

IBM C155 SNA Session Establishment White Paper; Cobban free download

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ISH~ SHARE SESSION REPORT APPENDIX A. BIBLIOGRAPHY 61 C155 SNA Session Establishment White Paper 50 SHARE NO. SESSION NO. SESSION TITLE ATTENDANCE An overview of the facilities available in the IBM X.25 NPSI PP is avail- able in; TPAM Jim Cobban DCL X.25 NPSI General Information (GC30-3080) PROJECT SESSION CHAIRMAN INST. CODE Datacrown Inc. 650 McNicoll Ave. Willodale, ON, Canada (416) 499-1012 A detailed technical discussion of the X. 25 interface can be found in; SESSION CHAIRMAN'S COMPANY, ADDRESS, AND PHONE NUMBER The X.25 Interface for attaching IBM SNA Nodes to Packet-Switched Data Networks. General Information Manual. (GA27-3345) The generation macro operands for the NPSI are documented in; The final report of the SNA Session Establishment White Paper C9mmittee was presented. This paper addresses deficiencies in the currently available X.25 NCP Packet Switching Interface - Installation and Operation. products for handling logons to applications in a VTAM, TCAM or other SNA SC30-3163. (Releases 2 and 3.) Network. There was a breif foil presentation explaining the nature of the proble~s, reviewing existing solutions, and giving an overview of the White A detailed technical discussion on the installation experience of the NPSI in an OS/VS environment; Paper. The remainder of the meeting was a question and answer session on the paper. X.25 NPSI Release 2 and 3 Guide. (GG24-1567) A detailed technical discussion on SNA-to-SNA connection over an X.25 net- work including implementation, performance tuning and problem determi- nation considerations; X.25 SNA Guide. (GG24-1568) w ... ...:J Appendix A. Bibliography 39

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