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Now downloading free:IBM SY31-0458-3 Section 02 Control Processor

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Descr: IBM system34 fe SY31-0458-3_System_34_5340_System_Unit_Theory_Diagrams_Manual_Jul79 SY31-0458-3_Section_02_Control_Processor.pdf
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File name SY31-0458-3_Section_02_Control_Processor.pdf

Contents CONTROLPROCESSOR. 2-1 Logical/Arithmetic 1 (XR, ZAR, OR, NCR, NR, Arithmetic and Logic Units . . . . . . . 2-110 DATA FLOW AND CLOCKS 2-1 OCR, DEC, ACYR, SR, AR, SCYR, INC) . . 2-42 Arithmetic and Logic Unit G,ates 2-111 Data Flow 2-1 Condition Code for Logical Operations . . 2-42 Arithmetic and Logic Unit Parity Predict 2-111 Clocks . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 Condition Code for Arithmetic Operations 2-42 Storage Data Register . . . 2-112 System . . . . . . . . 2-3 Logical/ Arithmetic Functions . . . . . . 2-43 Local Storage Registers 2-113 I/O Attachment and Controller 2-4 Logical/Arithmetic 2 (XR, ZAR, OR, NCR, NR, Processor Condition Register 2-114 Storage : . . . . . . . 2-4 OCR, DEC, ACYR, SR, AR, SCYR, INC) . . 2-46 Storage Gate High/Low 2-116 OPERATIONS . . . . . . . . . 2-5 Condition Code for Logical Operations. . 2-46 Status 1 Gate . . . . 2-117 IPL-Customer User Programs . . 2-5 Condition Code for Arithmetic Operations 2-46 Status 2 Gate . . . . . 2-118 Control Storage Initial Program Load (CSIPL) 2-5 Logical/ Arithmetic Functions 2-47 ERROR CONDITIONS . 2-119 Main Storage Initial Program Load (MSIPL)" 2-6 Load Immediate (L1) . . . . . . . . . . . 2-50 Control Processor Checks 2-119 IPL Timing Sequence . . . . . 2-7 Compare Immediate (CI) . . . . . . . . . 2-52 Processor Errors 2-119 Display Light Sequence (Byte 0) 2-7 Subtract Immediate/ Add Immediate (SI, AI) 2-54 Error Conditions (Second Level) 2-119 Disk Operation . . 2-8 Test Mask (TM) . 2-56 Machine Check Interrupt and Processor Disk Sequence . . 2-9 Set Bits On (SBN) . . . . . 2-58 Check Generation 2-120 62EH Disk Timing . 2-11 Set Bits Off (SBF) . . . . . 2-60 MSP Hardware Checks 2-121 62PC Disk Timing . 2-12 Storage (LC, LM, STC, STM) 2-63 Control Processor Checks . . 2-122 IPL-Customer SSP from Diskettes. 2-13 Instruction List . . . . . 2-63 SDR Parity Check Generation . 2-123 IPL-CE Diagnos

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