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Coils and other documents CCSP free download

Electronic components, integrated circuits, semiconductor - datasheets and schematics

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Descr: . Electronic Components Datasheets Passive components capacitors CEC - PCE-TU# Coils and other documents CCSP.pdf
Group:Electronics > Components > Capacitors
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WIRE WOUND CHIP INDUCTORS FEATURES MODEL l High Self-Resonance Frequency l CCSP 0805 F l Stable inductance at high frequency l Tight inductance tolerance l CCSP 0805 C l High Q factory l CCSP 0603 C l High current l CCFH 0805 C l Low DCR l CCFH 0603 C l HCFT 0402 C APPLICATIONS l Antenna amplifiers l Mobile phone l Key entry l GPS (Global Positioning System) l Wireless LAN l PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) How to Specify Chip Inductor C C S P 0 6 0 3 C 2 N 7 J Bobbin type C U shape H H shape Bobbin material C Ceramic Bobbin F Ferrite Bobbin Electrode sort S Tin-Lead F Pb Free Wire sort P General Wire S Soft Wire D UEW-D H HSEW T Special Wire Bobin size 0402,0603,0805 CEC'S CODE (Controlled by CEC) Inductance e.g. 2N72.7nH R39390nH Inductance tolerance F G J K M X Y

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