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Now downloading free:IBM SB21-0771-1 FDP QueryFacilityForSystem3 ProgramDescription OperationsManual 5798-ANB

IBM SB21-0771-1 FDP QueryFacilityForSystem3 ProgramDescription OperationsManual 5798-ANB free download

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File name:SB21-0771-1_FDP_QueryFacilityForSystem3_ProgramDescription_OperationsManual_5798-ANB.pdf
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File name SB21-0771-1_FDP_QueryFacilityForSystem3_ProgramDescription_OperationsManual_5798-ANB.pdf

s B 21 - 0 7 7 r - L Field Developed Program Query Facility For Systern,/3 Program Number: 5798-ANB Program Descripti-on/ This manual describes the capabilities Operations l'lanual of the system and the proqrams. Dis- cussion of design assumptions and potential modification areasi are included. Record and file l.ayouts are described and primary processing procedures specified. This manuaf is both a system description and an in- stallation and operations reference document. This is a reprint of SB21-0'77L-0 incorporating changes relea:sed in the following technical newslet'ber: sN20 6L37 - IBnf; P R'SGRAMMf l\-G tiE IiV I Ci:S Durrng a specifiec numh)c:r f months immediately following o rnitial" avaii abiiit.y r:f each ricensed program designated as t.he Prcgrarrunj-ng s+::rvices; perj,od, and refeienced in the sup- plement- to Amended i,tcei'rse Agreement for IBM program prodi:cts, the cus;tomer may submrt documentation to a desigiated rBM .iocation when he encount.ers a problem which his diagnosis indicates r-s caused i:y d, r-rcenlecl program error. During this period only, IBM tirrouqli the program sponsor(s) will, with- out adclitionerl charge, r'esponci to an error in the current unartered rel-ease of the: l-icensed program by issuing known error correct-ion intorna,tion to the Customei reporting the probrem and/c>r i.ssuing corrected code or notice of aviit- ability of corrected. coiie. However, rBM does not guarantee service resul,ts cr reprrsent or warrant that all errors will be corrected. Any on*sjte programrting services or assistance will be provj-ded at a chrarge. Program error correctiorr reguests and/or comments concerning tire contents c,f this putrrication should be addressed to: fBIrl Corporation 8712 West Dodge Road O m ; : h "n N e b r a s k a 6 8 1 1 4 r Attn: Mr. Don Larimer WARRANTY E A C H L I C E N S E D P R O G & A M. I T ; D I S T R I B U T E D O N A } I ' A S I S ' B A S I S WITHOUT WARzu\NT'YOI.' ANY KIND EITTIER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Requests for copies of l.BM publications should be made to your IBM Repr:esentative or to the IBM Branch Office servinq your loca lit1' , O Copyrigtrt Internatj.onal- Busi-n

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