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Now downloading free:cdc SESD009 EDT Extended Version of NOS Edit Aug80

cdc SESD009 EDT Extended Version of NOS Edit Aug80 free download

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1-1 EDT - eXTENDED VERSION OF NOS EDIT 06 AUG 80 1.0 INTRODUCTION TO EDT EDT is an improved version of the standard NOS 1.3 text editor developed by R. Upton, with thanks to COO division for ideas and EDT as a starting point. EDT uses al' EDIT commands as well as many new commands and extensions to existing commands such as: column searches, c~lumn manipulations, multIple entries on command lines and on the EDT control card. This manual will describe ai' of the commands of EDT and all of thefr various options. Please bring any errors, omissions or misunderstandings reqarding this manual to the author's attention~ 2-1 EDT - EXTENDED VERSION OF NOS EDIT 06 AUG 80 2.0 TeXT EDITING CONCEPTS This section describes the fundamental concepts and terms associated with the Text Editor as a preparation for the discussion of the edit session. Included are such subjects as initiating Text Editor, general command syntax, string manipulation and column manipulation procedures. The user Initiates the Text Editor with the EDT command or control statement. The format is: or T~e first format is order dependent; the second is order independent. The parameters have the following values: Ifn1 The name of the file to be edited. Default is the primary file. Ifn2 Tbe fi'e from which the edit commands are to be read. For a time-sharing session, default is Input from the terminal. For a batch job, default is a record in the Job deck (INPUT file). If Ifn2 = 0 then the edit commands (cmds) are processed and the editor will end. If .fn2 = 1 then the edit commands (cmds) are processed and the editor will obtain the next command from the ftle INPUT. Itn3 The file on which the output is to be written. For a time-sharing session, default is the terminal. For a batch Job. default is the file OUTPUT. tabs This is the tabset to be used in EDT. See the TAB command for the valid mnenomics. 2-2 eor - eXTENOED VERSION OF NOS EDIT 06 AUG 80 2.0 TEXT EDITING CONCEPTS 2.1 INITATI~G TEXT EDITOR ~~~~-~-~--~~~~-------~--~----------------------------~~--------~---- cmds This Is a series of EDT commands which will be executed whenever lf02 is 0 or 1. Otherwise, this is a com.ent field. 2.1.1 I~TERACTIVE USAGE OF EDT The time-sharing user frequently uses default

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