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Now downloading free:International Rectifier irhf57130

International Rectifier irhf57130 free download

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Mfg:International Rectifier
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Original:irhf57130 🔎
Descr: . Electronic Components Datasheets Active components Transistors International Rectifier irhf57130.pdf
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PD - 93789A RADIATION HARDENED IRHF57130 POWER MOSFET 100V, N-CHANNEL THRU-HOLE (TO-39) R5 TECHNOLOGY Product Summary Part Number Radiation Level RDS(on) ID IRHF57130 100K Rads (Si) 0.08 11.7A IRHF53130 300K Rads (Si) 0.08 11.7A IRHF54130 600K Rads (Si) 0.08 11.7A IRHF58130 1000K Rads (Si) 0.10 11.7A TO-39 International Rectifier's R5TM technology provides Features: high performance power MOSFETs for space appli- n Single Event Effect (SEE) Hardened cations. These devices have been characterized for n Ultra Low RDS(on) Single Event Effects (SEE) with useful performance n Neutron Tolerant up to an LET of 80 (MeV/(mg/cm2)). The combination n Identical Pre- and Post-Electrical Test Conditions of low RDS(on) and low gate charge reduces the power n Repetitive Avalanche Ratings losses in switching applications such as DC to DC n Dynamic dv/dt Ratings converters and motor control. These devices retain n Simple Drive Requirements all of the well established advantages of MOSFETs n Ease of Paralleling such as voltage control, fast switching, ease of paral- n Hermetically Sealed leling and temperature stability of electrical param- eters. Absolute Maximum Ratings Pre-Irradiation Parameter Units ID @ VGS = 12V, TC = 25

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