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Now downloading free:Agilent Carrying Microwave Precision Into the Field - Article Reprint 5991-1293EN c20121023 [3]

Agilent Carrying Microwave Precision Into the Field - Article Reprint 5991-1293EN c20121023 [3] free download

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Product Feature Carrying Microwave Precision Into the Field F or most technical professionals, the ments in much harsher conditions: in a base phrase "precise microwave measure- transceiver station (BTS) during a snowstorm, ments" conjures up images of a com- aboard a ship in rough seas, at a satellite trailer fortable indoor work environment. These days, in a sandstorm, and elsewhere (see Figure 1). more and more technicians and engineers In such scenarios, only the best gear -- rug- need to make accurate microwave measure- ged, dependable and flexible -- makes it into the "field kit." Measuring up and earning a spot is the driving idea behind Agilent's FieldFox handheld analyzers. Meeting the faMily Inside and out, FieldFox handheld analyz- ers were designed with on-the-go applications -- and end users -- firmly in mind. Within its compact, 6.6 lb (3.0 kg) package, a FieldFox analyzer can be configured as a cable and an- tenna analyzer, spectrum analyzer and vector network analyzer (VNA). Additional capabili- ties include a power meter, vector voltmeter, an independent signal source, a variable DC supply, a frequency counter, an interference s Fig. 1 Agilent's FieldFox handheld analyzers provide precise Agilent Technologies microwave measurements in harsh conditions. Santa Clara, CA Reprinted with permission of MiCROWaVe JOURnal from the September 2012 issue.

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