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Now downloading free:IBM GC20-0370-3 370 Bibliography of Industry Systems and Application Programs Nov82

IBM GC20-0370-3 370 Bibliography of Industry Systems and Application Programs Nov82 free download

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File name GC20-0370-3_370_Bibliography_of_Industry_Systems_and_Application_Programs_Nov82.pdf

IBM System/370 and 4300 Processors Bibliography of Industry Systems and Application Programs Publication Number File Number GC20-0370-3 S370-00 Abstract This bibliography describes technical publications needed by those who plan for, install, program, or operate industry systems and licensed application programs for System/370 and 4300 Processors. Industry (sub)systems covered are the IBM 3600 Finance Communication System, the IBM 3730 Distributed Office Communication System and all others, including the IBM 4700 Finance CommWlication System. licensed programs included are all completed applications running under System/370 and 4300 Processors programming. Completed applications are those for specific industries such as fmance, insurance, o'r manufacturing and those applicable to many industries. Features, and the kinds of information included, are: Titles and abstracts, with page counts; Clustering and sequencing of items by title; Second listing in order-number sequence, with subject codes explained and indexed; Specific page lookup by program acronym; Latest editions of publications listed, with TNLs; SLSS publication profiles used in distribution, with an explanation of these proftles; Details on order nwnber, including pseudonumbers. For System/370 machine components, support programming, DB/DC and supplementary information, refer to the IBM System/370 and 4300 Processors Bibliography, GC20-0001. Fourth Edition (November 1982) This is a major revision of, and supersedes, GC20-0370-2. It is possible that this material may contain reference to, or information about, IBM products (machines and programs), programming, or services that are not announced in your country. Such references or information must not be construed to mean that IBM intends to announce such IBM products, programming, or services in your country. Publications are not stocked at the address given below. Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality. A form for readers' comments is provided at the back of this bibliography. If the form has been removed, comments may be addressed to IBM Corporation, Publications Support Services, Dept. 812,1133 Westchester Avenue, White Plains, New York 10604. IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation whatever. Preface This bibliography has three parts. Part 2 In Part I, the publications are clustered by subject An abstract in Part 2 provides you with a description and sorted by title keywords. which ordinarily adds much to the indications of the Part 2 chiefly contains abstracts describing the title. Abstracts are listed in order-number sequen

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