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TBA820M 1.2W AUDIO AMPLIFIER DESCRIPTION The TBA820M is a monolithic integrated audio amplifier in a 8 lead dual in-line plastic package. It is intended for use as low frequency class B power amplifier with wide range of supply voltage: 3 to 16V, in portable radios, cassette recorders and players etc. Main features are: minimum working supply voltage of 3V, low quiescent current, low number of external components, good ripple rejection, no cross-over distortion, low power dissipation. Output power: Po = 2W at 12V/8, 1.6W at 9V/4 and 1.2W at 9V/8. Minidip ORDERING NUMBER: TBA820M ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Vs Io Ptot Tstg, Tj Supply voltage Output peak current Power dissipation at Tamb = 50°C Storage and junction temperature Parameter Value 16 1.5 1 -40 to 150 Unit V A W °C TEST AND APPLICATION CIRCUITS Figure 1. Circuit diagram with load connectedto the supply voltage Figure 2. Circuit diagram with load connected to ground * Capacitor C6 must be used when high ripple rejection is requested. June 1988 1/6 TBA820M PIN CONNECTION (top view) SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM THERMAL DATA Symbol Rth-j-amb Parameter Thermal resistance junction-ambient max Value 100 Unit °C/W 2/6 TBA820M ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Refer to the test circuits Vs = 9V, Tamb = 25 °C unless otherwise specified) Symbol Vs Vo Id Ib Po Parameter Supply voltage Quiescent output voltage (pin 5) Quiescent drain current Bias current (pin 3) Output power d = 10% Rf = 120 Vs = 12V Vs = 9V Vs = 9V Vs = 6V Vs = 3.5V f = 1 kHz RL = 8 C5 = 1000 µF Rf = 120 Po = 500 mW RL = 8 f = 1 kHz f = 1 kHz RL = 8 f = 1 kHz eN iN S+N N SVR Input noise voltage (*) Input noise current (*) Signal to noise ratio (*) Po = 1.2W RL = 8 Gv = 34 dB RL = 8 f(ripple) = 100 Hz C6 = 47 µF Rf = 120 R1 = 10K R1 = 50 k C B = 680 pF C B = 220 pF R f = 33 R f = 120 R L = 8 R f = 33 R f = 120 f = 1 kHz R L = 8 R L = 4 R L = 8 R L = 4 R L = 4 2 1.6 1.2 0.75 0.25 5 25 to 7,000 Hz 25 to 20,000 0.8 % 0.4 75 45 34 3 0.4 80 dB 70 µV nA dB dB W W W W W M Test conditions Min. 3 4 4.5 4 0.1 Typ. Max. 16 5 12 Unit V V mA µA 0.9 Ri B Input resistance (pin 3) Frequency response (-3 dB) d Distortion Gv Gv Voltage gain (open loop) Voltage gain (closed loop) Supply voltage rejection (test circuit of fig. 2) 42 dB (*) B = 22 Hz to 22 KHz 3/6 TBA820M Figure 3. Output power vs. supply voltage Figure 4. Harmonic distortion vs. output power Figure 5. Power dissipation and efficiency vs. output power Figure 6. Maximum power d i ss i p ati on (s i ne wa ve operation) Figure 7. Suggested value of CB vs. Rf Figur e 8. Frequ ency response Figure 9. Harmonic distortion vs. frequency Figure 10. Supply voltage rejection (Fig. 2 circuit) Figure 11. Quiescent current vs. supply voltage 4/6 TBA820M MINIDIP PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA DIM. MIN. A a1 B b b1 D E e e3 e4 F I L Z 3.18 7.95 2.54 7.62 7.62 6.6 5.08 3.81 1.52 0.125 0.51 1.15 0.356 0.204 1.65 0.55 0.304 10.92 9.75 0.313 0.100 0.300 0.300 0.260 0.200 0.150 0.060 mm TYP. 3.3

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