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TDA1175 LOW-NOISE VERTICAL DEFLECTION SYSTEM . . . . COMPLETE VERTICAL DEFLECTION SYSTEM LOW NOISE SUITABLE FOR HIGH DEFINITION MONITORS ESD PROTECTED DESCRIPTION The TDA1175 is a monolithic integrated circuit in FINDIP plastic package. It is intended for use in black and white and colour TV receivers. Low-noise makes this device particularly suitable for use in monitors. The functions incorporated are : synchronization circuit, oscillator and ramp generator, high power gain amplifier, flyback generator, voltage regulator. PIN CONNECTIONS FINDIP (Plastic Package) ORDER CODE : TDA1175 RAMP OUTPUT SUPPLY VOLTAGE FLYBACK GROUND POWER AMPLIFLIER OUTPUT POWER AMPLIFLIER SUPPLY VOLTAGE REGULATED VOLTAGE 1 2 3 12 11 10 RAMP GENERATOR COMPENSATION AMP. INPUT GROU ND 4 5 6 9 8 7 OSCILLATOR SYNC. INPUT HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT September 1993 1/8 1175-01.EPS TDA1175 BLOCK DIAGRAM + VS C4 DA FREQ 6 2 3 5 RH C9 P1 9 C1 OSCILLATOR VOLTAGE REGULATOR FLYBACK GENERATOR POWER AMPLIFIER 4 RG C8 SYNC 8 YOKE SYNC CIRCUIT RAMP GENERATOR BUFFER STAGE PREAMPLIFI ER 11 C5 C7 RE RD 7 TABS C2 P2 RA 12 1 LINEARITY 10 P3 C3 RB RC C6 RF 1175-02.EPS HEIGHT ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Vs V4, V5 V10 Io Io Io I3 I3 I8 Ptot Tstg, Tj Supply Voltage at Pin 2 Flyback Peak Voltage Power Amplifier Input Voltage Output Peak Current (non repetitive) at t = 2ms Output Peak Current at f = 50Hz, t 10µs Output Peak Current at f = 50Hz, t > 10µs Pin 3 DC Current at V4 < V2 Pin 3 Peak to Peak Flyback Current for f = 50Hz, tfly 1.5ms Pin 8 Current Power Dissipation : at Ttab = 90°C at Tamb = 80°C (free air) Storage and Junction Temperature Parameter Value 35 60 + 10 ­ 0.5 2 2.5 1.5 100 1.8 ± 20 5 1 ­ 40, + 150 Unit V V V V A A A mA A mA 1175-01.TBL 1175-02.TBL W W °C THERMAL DATA Symbol Rth (j-tab) Rth (j-amb) Parameter Thermal Resistance Junction-tab Thermal Resistance Junction-ambient Max. Max. Value 12 70 Unit °C/W °C/W(1) (1) Obtained with tabs soldered to printed circuit with minimized copper area. 2/8 TDA1175 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tamb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified) Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit Fig. DC CHARACTERISTICS (Refer to the test circuits, VS = 35V) I2 I5 ­ I9 ­ I 10 ­ I 12 ­ I 12 I12 I12 Vs V1 V3 V4 V4L V4H V6 V7 Pin 2 Quiescent Current Pin 5 Quiescent Current Oscillator Bias Current Amplifier Input Bias Current Ramp Generator Bias Current Ramp Generator Current Ramp Generator Non-linearity Supply Voltage Range Pin 1 Saturation Voltage to Ground Pin 3 Saturation Voltage to Ground Qiuescent output Voltage Output Saturation Voltage to Ground I1 = 1mA I3 = 10mA Vs = 10V, R1 = 1k, R2 = 1k Vs = 35V, R1 = 3k, R2 = 1k ­ I4 = 0.1A ­ I4 = 0.8A 4.1 8.2 I3 = 0 I4 = 0 V9 = 1V V10 = 1V V12 = 0 I7 = 20µA, V12 = 0 V12 = 0 to 12V, I7 = 20µA 10 1 1.5 4.4 8.8 0.9 1.8 1.4 2.8 6.5 I7 = 20µA Vs = 10 to 35V V8 0.4V 2.20 6.6 6.7 6.8 1 2.27 18.5 7 8 0.1 1 0.02 20 0.2 14 17 1 10 0.3 21.5 1 35 1.4 2.5 4.7 9.4 1.2 2.2 2.1 3.1

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