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Now downloading free:Agilent 5991-3203EN Easily Create Custom Waveforms with Waveform Creator - Application Note c20140829 [14]

Agilent 5991-3203EN Easily Create Custom Waveforms with Waveform Creator - Application Note c20140829 [14] free download

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File name:5991-3203EN Easily Create Custom Waveforms with Waveform Creator - Application Note c20140829 [14].p
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Original:5991-3203EN Easily Create Custom Waveforms with Waveform Creator - Application Note c20140829 [14] 🔎
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File name 5991-3203EN Easily Create Custom Waveforms with Waveform Creator - Application Note c20140829 [14].p

Keysight Technologies Easily Create Custom Waveform Plug-Ins With Waveform Creator Application Software Application Note Enable higher productivity through a simple, open and expandable waveform creation environment. Create and deploy complex waveforms or develop emerging communications standards based waveforms. Introduction The Keysight Technologies, Inc. M9099 Waveform Creator application software provides a simple, open and expandable waveform creation environment for use with Keysight's M9381A PXIe Vector Signal Generator and SystemVue system level design software. Designing devices for higher data rates and wider bandwidths requires more complex signals to verify how the device would perform in its real environment. Using Waveform Creator, individual waveform segments can be created using available waveform plug-ins or user created plug-ins. This application note describes how to create user plug-ins which can be fully integrated with Waveform Creator to deploy signal generation capabilities that meet your requirements. The Keysight Waveform Creator provides a framework for creating custom baseband and modulated RF waveforms and enables the custom waveforms to be used in R&D, design validation and manufacturing test. This paper describes how waveform segments can created, dragged and modified with user-definable parameters and then downloaded into the M9381A PXIe VSG or outputted as an unencrypted data file. Key issues faced in complex signal generation Test engineers face the challenge of creating complex custom signals needed to test many of today's RF systems and emerging communications standards. Typically, assembly of such waveforms requires multiple tools and different waveform formats to be aggregated. This leaves the user with the time consuming task of modifying waveform timing alignment, resampling to different carrier frequencies and sample rates, as well as performing waveform validation. This application note demonstrates how to use Waveform Creator, a simple, yet powerful tool to address these challenges. Waveform Creator provides:

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