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Now downloading free:Agilent 5989-9760EN Transferring Arbitrary Waveform Data to the 33200A Family of Function Arbitrary Waveform

Agilent 5989-9760EN Transferring Arbitrary Waveform Data to the 33200A Family of Function Arbitrary Waveform free download

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File name:5989-9760EN Transferring Arbitrary Waveform Data to the 33200A Family of Function Arbitrary Waveform
[preview 5989-9760EN Transferring Arbitrary Waveform Data to the 33200A Family of Function Arbitrary Waveform]
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Model:5989-9760EN Transferring Arbitrary Waveform Data to the 33200A Family of Function Arbitrary Waveform 🔎
Original:5989-9760EN Transferring Arbitrary Waveform Data to the 33200A Family of Function Arbitrary Waveform 🔎
Descr: Agilent 5989-9760EN Transferring Arbitrary Waveform Data to the 33200A Family of Function Arbitrary Waveform Generators c20140910 [11].pdf
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File name 5989-9760EN Transferring Arbitrary Waveform Data to the 33200A Family of Function Arbitrary Waveform

Keysight Technologies Transferring Arbitrary Waveform Data to the 33200A Family of Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generators Application Note Introduction Front Panel Function Waveform Generators are The graphical interface on the used to simulate the signals on the 33210A, 33220A, and 33250A input of a device. A speaker test function/arbitrary waveform gen- might require a sweep through an erators provides a simple method audio band over several seconds, to create basic arbitrary waveforms. or a controller may need different The front panel method works best pulse waveforms to simulate varying on waveforms that are comprised frequencies of a clock. However, of a few linear segments. Complex real-world signals are not always waveforms, waveforms having many perfect sine waves or pulses. It can segments, or waveforms with curves be more useful to create a custom are better suited for download using waveform or capture a real waveform, the free IntuiLink Waveform Editor modify it and recreate the waveform software or another application. with a function/arbitrary waveform generator. You may even have a For this example, we will use the complex waveform or a waveform front panel interface to create and file that was provided for you. store a modified ramp waveform comprised of four linear segments We will review three methods of (Figure 1). transferring arbitrary waveform data to 33200A Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generators: front panel, Volt/Div = 1 Volt Keysight Technologies, Inc. IntuiLink Time/Div = 1 ms Waveform Editor, and programming. 2 Point Time Voltage value value 1 0s 0V 3 2 2 ms 3V 4 3 4 ms 1V 1 1 4 7 ms 0V Figure 1 2 1. Select the arbitrary 5. Select whether or not to use 9. Define the next waveform waveform function. linear interpolation. point. Press the Point # softkey When y

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