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Now downloading free:Agilent 5991-3295EN Elastic Modulus Mapping Using the 7500 AFM - Application Note c20141020 [4]

Agilent 5991-3295EN Elastic Modulus Mapping Using the 7500 AFM - Application Note c20141020 [4] free download

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File name 5991-3295EN Elastic Modulus Mapping Using the 7500 AFM - Application Note c20141020 [4].pdf

Keysight Technologies Elastic Modulus Mapping Using the 7500AFM Application Note Introduction The atomic force microscope (AFM) 1 has become a very important tool for investigating samples on the nano-scale. It combines in a unique way high spatial resolution with very high force sensitivity, allowing for mapping of elastic properties with highest spatial resolution. For quantitative determination of elasticity a force distance curve is obtained. From such a force distance curve the elastic modulus can be extracted. A mapping of local elastic properties is achieved by obtain- ing two-dimensional arrays of force distance curves. Such elasticity maps can be used to derive information on cellular processes. In par- ticular, elasticity measurements provide valuable insights into various dynamic cellular processes such as cell migration and cell division. Here, we show how the Keysight Technologies, Inc. 7500 AFM can be utilized to map the elastic modulus of endothelial cells. 02 | Keysight | Elastic Modulus Mapping Using the 7500AFM - Application Note Figure 1. Topographical images. Contact mode images of a sample cell were made to char- acterize cell morphology. The left image shows an overview (50 x 50

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