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Now downloading free:Fairchild Semiconductor 2n6076

Fairchild Semiconductor 2n6076 free download

Electronic components, integrated circuits, semiconductor - datasheets and schematics

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Mfg:Fairchild Semiconductor
Model:2n6076 🔎
Original:2n6076 🔎
Descr: . Electronic Components Datasheets Active components Transistors Fairchild Semiconductor 2n6076.pdf
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DISCRETE POWER & SIGNAL TECHNOLOGIES 2N6076 SILICON PNP SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTOR 0.135 - 0.145 1 2 3 BVCEO . . . . 25 V (Min) (3.429 - 3.683) 1 2 3 hFE . . . . 100 (Min) @ VCE = 10 V, IC = 10 mA B C E 0.175 - 0.185 (4.450 - 4.700) ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (NOTE 1) TEMPERATURES LOGOXYY Storage Temperature -55 Degrees C to 150 Degrees C 0.175 - 0.185 2N (4.450 - 4.700) Operating Junction Temperature 150 Degrees C 6076 SEATING POWER DISSIPATION (NOTES 2 & 3) PLANE Total Device Dissipation at TA = 25 Deg C 625 mW 0.500 VOLTAGES & CURRENT MIN (12.70) VCEO Collector to Emitter 25 V VCBO Collector to Base 25 V VEBO Emitter to Base 5V 0.016 - 0.021 IC Collector Current 500 mA (0.410- 0.533) 0.045 - 0.055 (1.143- 1.397)

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