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Now downloading free:Agilent 5990-5457EN Converting Tescon Point 70 Fixtures and Programs for use on the Medalist i1000D c2014073

Agilent 5990-5457EN Converting Tescon Point 70 Fixtures and Programs for use on the Medalist i1000D c2014073 free download

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File name:5990-5457EN Converting Tescon Point 70 Fixtures and Programs for use on the Medalist i1000D c2014073
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Model:5990-5457EN Converting Tescon Point 70 Fixtures and Programs for use on the Medalist i1000D c2014073 🔎
Original:5990-5457EN Converting Tescon Point 70 Fixtures and Programs for use on the Medalist i1000D c2014073 🔎
Descr: Agilent 5990-5457EN Converting Tescon Point 70 Fixtures and Programs for use on the Medalist i1000D c20140730 [23].pdf
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File name 5990-5457EN Converting Tescon Point 70 Fixtures and Programs for use on the Medalist i1000D c2014073

Keysight Technologies Converting Tescon Point 70 Fixtures and Programs for Use on the Medalist i1000D In-Circuit Test System Application Note Contents Introduction to Medalist i1000D ...2 Overview of the Tescon system ...3 Benefits of conversion ...4 Conversion process ...5 Hardware Conversion ...5 Software Conversion ...9 Customer Evaluation Results...14 Appendix...19 Introduction to Following the development model of a typical manufacturing defects ana- Medalist i1000D lyzer (MDA), the user can now get a fixture and program up and running The Keysight Technologies, Inc. in just a few days. Simplified graphi- Medalist i1000D in-circuit test (ICT) cal user interfaces allow the user to system is a revolutionary platform quickly make changes to individual targeted for maximum cost effective- tests during debug, with a compre- ness. It offers award winning state- hensive toolset of menus and buttons of-the-art features with answers to complete with AutoDebug features. most test challenges faced by today's This allows inexperienced users to manufacturers. Advanced defects start using the system quickly. coverage features coupled with a simplified software model shorten the The purpose of this application note learning curve of new users, making is to guide users on how they can this an ideal investment for manu- convert both the hardware and soft- facturers who need a cost effective ware systems of their old Teson MDA ICT solution. It's back to the basics platform over to the Medalist i1000D with the Medalist i1000D software to platform so as to enjoy the capabili- help new users get up to speed in the ties offered by the i1000D ICT system. shortest time possible. 2 Overview of the Tescon System The picture above shows the Tescon a table that is provided by the user. Point 70 system

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