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Now downloading free:Keithley 6154-1,0

Keithley 6154-1,0 free download

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Descr: Keithley 2001M CDROM Digital Multimeters - Data Acquisition - Switch Systems Product Information CD_Content pdfs data_sheets 6154-1,0.pdf
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Series 2000 High-Performance Digital Multimeters 2000 61/2-Digit DMM 2010 Low-Noise DMM 2001 71/2-Digit DMM 2002 81/2-Digit DMM Keithley's Series 2000 Digital Multimeter Family The unique combination of measurement capabilities each production floor test rack or benchtop. A built-in scanner instrument offers makes them ideal for a broad range of high- mainframe makes it easy to do multi-point testing of up to 10 speed production testing applications, including device testing test points, simply by plugging in an economical switch card. of electronic components, telecommunications products, auto- With a choice of resolution from 61/2 to 81/2 digits, there is sure to motive components and subassemblies, etc. The space-saving be a Series 2000 DMM that's appropriate for your application. half-rack design means they'll fit readily into just about any Easy-to-read vacuum fluorescent display with clear annunciators Selectable reading rates up to 2000 rdgs/s Built-in frequency counter Built-in temperature measurement capabilities 2- or 4-wire ohms Easy closed-case calibration measurements Fast, flexible triggering Fast range and function changes Data storage memory Shared core technologies All four Series 2000 DMMs are designed on the same set of cessors for tighter A-to-D control, higher accuracy, more precise core technologies, so they share many of the same basic triggering, and higher throughput. All are capable of reading capabilities. For example, the entire family is based on the same rates of up to 2000 readings/sec (at 41/2 digits) for fast throughput high-speed, low-noise 28-bit A/D converter technology. The in production test applications. Their wide dynamic range high-end Models 2001 and 2002 incorporate five distinct pro- minimizes range-shift errors and speeds systems applications. 2 Model 2000 Model 2010 Model 2001 Model 2002 Other Series 2000 capabilities that contribute to high measure- value include a built-in scanner mainframe with optional 10- ment throughput include fast range and function changes, high- channel switching capacity for multi-point testing appli- speed auto-ranging, and fast overload recovery. The 2001 and cations. This option slot also opens the door to accessories and 2

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