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IBM A054 The Use and Effectiveness of Online Documentation; Winters, Sours free download

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~SHARE5 SHARE SESSION REPORT In summary we see three major points. First, 61 A054 An Empirical Study of the Use and source-level debugging has primacy. All professionals in Effectiveness of Online Documentation 65 our survey want to "fix it in the language in which it broke" (2). The thought that goes into debugging depends on SHARE NO. SESSION NO. SESSION TITLE ATTENDANCE the source code to a very large degree. Human Factors June Genis STU Second. regardless of whether IDFs are used or not. four PROJECT SESSION CHAIRMAN INST. CODE tasks are regularly applied in the job of debugging. They CIT. Stanford University. Stanford. CA 94305 (415) 497-4422 include symptom location and classification. bug location. hypothesis generation and testing. and information gathering SESSION CHAIRMAN'S COMPANY, ADDRESS. AND PHONE NUMBER and selection. Third and finally. when debugging becomes complicated and difficult. or progress slows significantly. programmers will continue debugging by trying alternative tacks. In contrast. scientists and engineers currently will abandon the program as a method to solve their substantive problems. An Empirical Study of the Use and Effectiveness REFERENCES of Online Documentation: 1. Seidner. R.I .

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