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Now downloading free:IBM GC20-1821-3 VM370 Operating Systems in a Virtual Machine Rel 6 PLC 17 Apr81

IBM GC20-1821-3 VM370 Operating Systems in a Virtual Machine Rel 6 PLC 17 Apr81 free download

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File name:GC20-1821-3_VM370_Operating_Systems_in_a_Virtual_Machine_Rel_6_PLC_17_Apr81.pdf
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Original:GC20-1821-3 VM370 Operating Systems in a Virtual Machine Rel 6 PLC 17 Apr81 🔎
Descr: IBM 370 VM_370 Release_6 GC20-1821-3_VM370_Operating_Systems_in_a_Virtual_Machine_Rel_6_PLC_17_Apr81.pdf
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File name GC20-1821-3_VM370_Operating_Systems_in_a_Virtual_Machine_Rel_6_PLC_17_Apr81.pdf

File No. S370-34 Order No. GC20-1821-3 IBM Virtual Machine Facility /370: Operating Systems in a Systems Virtual Machine Release 6 PLC 17 This publication is for system programmers who plan to use System/360 or System/370 operating systems under the control of VM/370. It is also for VM/370 system programmers who plan to use these operating systems or VM/370 under the control of VM/370. The publication describes those aspects of running operating systems under VM/370 that are common to all systems, and it describes how to use VM/370 functions more efficiently when running operating systems under VM/370. The book also provides system planning and operating considerations when running VM/370, DOS/VS, and OS/VS under VM/370. Many thoughts expressed in this publication are contributions from VM/370 customers and IBM field personnel. As such, these thoughts may not have been formally tested by 18M, and therefore, may prove more usefui for some installations than others. PREREQUISITE PUBLICATION IBM Virtual Machine Facility/370: Introduction, Order No. GC20-1800 --- ----- --- - - ---- - ---- - - --- - -- -' - - - ~_...-: -... -~- . - page of GC20-1821-3 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNt GN25-0840 r-'------------------ IThe recommendations in the VM/370 under VM/370 area and in the DOS/VSI land OS/VS areas of this publication are meant to help an installation I Igenerate operating systems that run more efficiently under VM/370. I I I , VM/370 users made many of these recommendations, and theirl Isuggestions have not been submitted to any formal IBM ~est. As at Iresult, potential users should evaluate the applicability of thel Irecommendations to their installations before implementation. L, _ _ _ __ I Fo~

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