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Now downloading free:IBM GC21-5097-0 OS and OS VS Programming Support for the 3505 Card Reader and 3525 Card Punch Jul73

IBM GC21-5097-0 OS and OS VS Programming Support for the 3505 Card Reader and 3525 Card Punch Jul73 free download

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File name:GC21-5097-0_OS_and_OS_VS_Programming_Support_for_the_IBM_3505_Card_Reader_and_IBM_3525_Card_Punch_Ju
[preview GC21-5097-0 OS and OS VS Programming Support for the 3505 Card Reader and 3525 Card Punch Jul73]
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Model:GC21-5097-0 OS and OS VS Programming Support for the 3505 Card Reader and 3525 Card Punch Jul73 🔎
Original:GC21-5097-0 OS and OS VS Programming Support for the 3505 Card Reader and 3525 Card Punch Jul73 🔎
Descr: IBM 35xx GC21-5097-0_OS_and_OS_VS_Programming_Support_for_the_IBM_3505_Card_Reader_and_IBM_3525_Card_Punch_Jul73.pdf
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File name GC21-5097-0_OS_and_OS_VS_Programming_Support_for_the_IBM_3505_Card_Reader_and_IBM_3525_Card_Punch_Ju

File Number S360 Mod 195 S370-30 Order Number GC21-5097-0 Systems Reference Library OS and OS/VS Programming Support for the IBM 3505 Card Reader and IBM 3525 Card Punch This publication is intended for application programmers who are famil iar with the BSAM and OSAM access methods for OS or OS/VS systems. It describes the macro instructions and services which are provided to support the 3505 Card Reader and the 3525 Card Punch. Before using this publication you should be familiar with the informa- tion contained in: IBM 3504 Card Reader/IBM 3505 Card Reader and IBM 3525 Card Punch Subsystem, GA21-9124, and the data management services and data management macro publications for your system. PREFACE This publication contains descriptions of the as and OS/VS support for the 3505 Card Reader and 3525 Card Punch and the optional features for both devices. It is divided into three parts: 3505 Card Reader - This section describes the data sets and access methods used with the 3505 and provides information about the data management macro instruc- tions pertinent to the device. 3525 Card Punch - This section describes the data sets and access methods used with the 3525 and provides information about the data management macro instructions pertinent to the device. Special emphasis is placed on the usage of associated data sets for the various combinations of read, punch, and print operations. Appendixes - This section includes information about the diagnostics available for the 3505/3525. It also contains a sample program demonstrating the use of the 3525 for a read, punch, and print job with program controlled line positioning. Prerequ isite Pu bl ications as or OS/VS Data Management Macro Instructions (GC26-3794 or GC26-3793) as or OS/VS Data Management Services Guide (GC26-3746 or GC26-3783) IBM 3504 Card Reader/IBM 3505 Card Reader and IBM 3525 Card Punch Sub- system (GA21-9124) First Edition (July 1973) This publication corresponds to OS Release 21, VS1 Release 2, and VS2 Release 1 and to all subsequent releases. It contains the special programming considerations for the 3505 Card Reader and the 3525 Card Punch that were previously described in the Appendix of the OS Data Management Services Guide, GC26-3746-1 and in the Appendix of the OS/VS Data Management Services Guide, GC26-3783-1. Information in this publication is subject to change from time to time. Any such change will be reported in subsequent revisions or technical newsletters. Before using this publication in connection with the operation of I BM systems, consult the latest IBM System/360 and 370 SRL Newsletter, GN2Q-0360, for the editions that are applicable and correct. Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM representati

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