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- -- - - -- - -- - -- -- Do not reproduce without written permission H/T&C.1 -- - - - --- Oct 83 =:E::::::E';' == ISG HARDWARE TERMS AND CONDITIONS INTRODUCTION The Hardware Terms and Conditions list includes standard machine types currently marketed by NAD and NMD. The list should be used in conjunction with the Hardware Price List. Only terms and conditions presently marketed are included. ORGANIZATION The list is presented in machine type sequence. A single line entry contains all information for a machine type unless terms and conditions vary between models. Footnotes are kept to a minimum and, when practical, a single footnote reference is used for each data field. As example, all footnotes related to Lease Base Term can be found in a single footnote. Footnotes are identified by a lower case alphabetic character, such as (b). Some codes are used in data fields to indicate specific details. As example, a hyphen is used to indicate that a data field does not apply. Other fixed codes will be explained in the legend below. LEGEND FOR HARDWARE TERMS AND CONDITIONS LIST Column Heading Explanation MACH TYPE The machine type assigned to each hardware product. This field will also contain model codes when terms and conditions vary within a machine type. When a field does not apply to a machine type, a hyphen(s) will be shown. This helps to prevent omissions and improves the readability of each line of information. When multiple lines apply to a machine type all unchanged data will be repeated to ensure complete information. PCU A machine type that is a Processor Complex Unit (PCU) will have an asterisk in this field. These machines require a three-month notice of discontinuance. R/L PO The type of Plan offering will be reflected or an indication that the machine type is "purchase only". The codes found in this column are: A Plan Offering A B Plan Offering B C Plan Offering C - See Hardware Prices for applicable Monthly Use Charge Rates (MUCR) for lease/rental machines and Additional Maintenance Charge Rates (AMCR) for purchased machines under IBM Maintenance Agreement. D Plan Offering D - See Hardware Prices for Additional Monthly Maintenance Charge Rates (AMMCR) which apply if the customer elects Optional Periods of Maintenance Service following expiration of th

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