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Now downloading free:Agilent 5991-3809EN A Flexible Testbed to Evaluate Potential Co-Existence Issues Between Radar and Wireless

Agilent 5991-3809EN A Flexible Testbed to Evaluate Potential Co-Existence Issues Between Radar and Wireless free download

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File name:5991-3809EN A Flexible Testbed to Evaluate Potential Co-Existence Issues Between Radar and Wireless
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Original:5991-3809EN A Flexible Testbed to Evaluate Potential Co-Existence Issues Between Radar and Wireless 🔎
Descr: Agilent 5991-3809EN A Flexible Testbed to Evaluate Potential Co-Existence Issues Between Radar and Wireless Systems c20140612 [10].pdf
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File name 5991-3809EN A Flexible Testbed to Evaluate Potential Co-Existence Issues Between Radar and Wireless

Keysight Technologies A Flexible Testbed to Evaluate Potential Co-Existence Issues Between Radar and Wireless Application Note Photo courtesy US Department of Defense Problem: Radar and wireless may interfere with each other Today's radar and electronic warfare (EW) equipment operate in increasingly cluttered RF and microwave spectral environments, with many potential interference issues. Spectral environments may consist of many different types of emitters including radar, wireless communications, wireless networking, and other potential interference sources. Co-existence between radar and wireless systems has the potential to be a significant issue. Investigating potential interference issues between complex wireless signals such as LTE (Long Term Evolution), WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network), WCDMA (Wide- band Code Division Multiplexing Access), and radar can be useful to ensure successful deployment. Testing these systems for co-existence prior to deployment may provide discernible benefits in terms of helping to identify potential co-existence issues earlier to reduce field testing time and potential re-work time. Finding and addressing problems in a lab environment is typically much less costly than trying to correct issues after deployment to the field. Solution: A flexible R&D testbed combining The last case study will examine how radar and LTE signals can co- design simulation with a precision arbitrary exist, and what happens when radar signals interfere with LTE signals. waveform generator The flexibility and adaptability of this R&D test solution allows multiple Recent advances in integrating the Keysight Technologies, Inc. combinations of emitters to be tested for co-existence and evaluated SystemVue electronic-system-level (ESL) design simulation with its for performance degradation. One set of test hardware can be used to M8190A precision wideband arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) has test many combinations of potential interference scenarios, reducing made possible a new approach to creating and analyzing multi-emitter and quantifying system integration risks for new hardware deployment. test signals using a commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) approach. For example, design simulation arbitrary resampling techniques enable Evaluating the level of interference being impose

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