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Now downloading free:IBM M355 How DP Management Can Work More Productively With End Users; Abrams

IBM M355 How DP Management Can Work More Productively With End Users; Abrams free download

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SESSION REPORT ~SHARE~ - 2 - How DP Management Can Work More --: 61 M355 340 Productively wjth End Users SHARE NO. SESSION NO. SESSION TITLE ATTENDANCE I am convinced, on the basis of many years' experience with end users and dp professionals, that the dynamics described here are behind some Training and Education William N. Abrams RCH_ __ of the most important criticisms of dp commonly held today by users and PROJECT SESSION CHAIRMAN INST. CODE dp professionals alike; first, we in dp are able to implement only a RCA, Rt. 38, Cherry Hill, NJ 08358 609-338-4218 small fraction of the aplications users want, and, second, when the aplications are implemented, they frequently do not meet users' needs, SESSION CHAIRMA.N'S COMPANY, ADDRESS, and PHONE NUMBER necessitating a great deal of rework and upheaval to the business while Not too long ago, my wife and I decided to remodel the kitchen in our the reworking is being done and the resulting bugs are straightened home and went to a firm specializing in this work. The salesman there out. The shortage of dp professionals is serious and is expected to is paid when he has made a sale, not for any suggested plans he draws remain so for years to come. This is a compelling reason to improve up. So, after many months - my wife and I do not make remodeling the quality of applications development so that end-user projects do decisions easily - he gave up on us. not have to be redone, and dp time is used at maximum productivity levels. We started with another salesman, and it was 15 months before we indicated we were sa

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