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IBM A260 A New Approach to Diagnosis Information; Mutimer free download

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~SHARE~ SHARE SESSION REPORT A260 A NEW APPROACH TO DIAGNOSIS INFORMATION 200 61 SESSION NO. SESSION TITLE ATTENDANCE SHARE NO. 2 STEVE WINCKELMAN PSU DOCUMENTATION SESSION CHAIRMAN INST. CODE Abstract PROJECT Igg02ENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY ZIU COMPUTER BUILDING UNIVERSITY PARK, PA. In keeping with task-oriented library design, ffiM is now publishing diagnosis information to provide a basis for effective communication between the user and the ffiM Support Center. Problems are SESSION CHAIRMAN'SCOMPANY, ADDRESS, AND PHONE NUMBER diagnosed based on their symptoms. The objective of diagnosis information is to relate those external symptoms to a functional area of the program. The speaker will describe the organization and content of two books - the diagnosis guide and diagnosis reference. These books complement each other and are intended to increase the produc- tivity of the people involved in the resolution of program failures. Introduction The first set of diagnosis books were published in 1977 for IMS/VS. Now, at least twenty ffiM program products have diagnosis books in their libraries. The titles and formats have evolved, but the concept is unchanged. I have personally worked on this concept for six years - I have written several of these books, and now spend full time consulting with other writers who are developing diagnosis information. So why is the title of this session, "A New Approach to Diagnosis Ioformation"? Diagnosis informa- A New Appro

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