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IBM A733 Using The Fortran Extended Error Handler; Hennessy free download

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:SSHARE~ SHARE SESSION REPORT 61 A733 Using the Fortran Extended Error What the DI3000 EXEC Does SHARE NO. SESSION NO. SESSION TITLE ATTENDANCE The DI3000 EXEC is written in EXEC2 and depends on features of VM/SP. It uses Fortran w. Horowitz CSS the following CP and CMS commands: CONWAIT GENMOD LOAD SET PROJECT SESSION CHAIRMAN INST. CODE DROPBUF GLOBAL MAKEBUF START D & B Computing Services 187 Danbury Rd. Wilton, Ct. 06897 EXECIO HELP QUERY (STACK FILEDEF INCLUDE SENTRIES SESSION CHAIRMAN'S COMPANY, ADDRESS, AND PHONE NUMBER The DI3000 EXEC works like this: 1. Cbecks for ? among arguments and prints help if? is found. Uses Cornell's HELP processor, but it should not be too difficult to convert the help file to IBM HELP format. 2. Cbecks for R/W A disk. 3. Sets default options. You can change the defaults in this section. 4. Parses command line a. Checks that at least the minimum abbreviations were requested. b. Compares each option against list of legal options. You can change the list of acceptable options

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