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Keithley pa698a free download

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Descr: Keithley 2001M CDROM Digital Multimeters - Data Acquisition - Switch Systems Product Information CD_Content pdfs pa698a.pdf
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Models 2015 and 2016 Background Noise Packing List Measuring background noise in the presence of a signal with the Models 2015 and 2016 Starting with B08 firmware, the Models 2015 and 2016 have the ability to measure the background noise in the presence of a signal. (Background noise is the RMS energy not contained in the fundamental or any of its harmonics). The background noise is available after a distortion measurement has been taken, much in the same way the RMS value is available. The same restrictions apply, i.e., the unit must be set to trigger one reading at a time and is available over the bus only. The new bus command is :SENSe:DISTortion:BNOISe? The background noise value can also be an option for the internal sweep measurement. An additional choice to the :OUTPut:LIST:ELEMents command parameters of DIST and AMPL is BNOIS. The data returned from an :OUTPut:LIST:DATA? query is ordered as , , , , , , etc. The actual data elements sent are determined by the elements selected. For example, if the command is: OUTP:LIST:ELEM DIST,BNOIS the elements returned in response to a OUTP:LIST:DATA? would be: , ,, , etc. PA-698 Rev. A / 11-99

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