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TECHNICAL BULLETIN 26-May-2000 MODEL: CT-M6828S PROBLEM: No color via RF or AV inputs File: CTM685 color tb.doc This problem affects both RF and for AV inputs either for PAL or NTSC formats. Instructions Replace the capacitor C363. Replacement Information Position C363 Value 10 nF (0.01 uF) Voltage 50V Type Ceramic Tolerance +80% -20% Connected to Pin 14 of IC037, TDA4650 Part number 12310337090 Regards, Alcides Berta TEAC Australia Pty Ltd. Page 1 of 1 MODEL NO.: T-M6828S Chassis type GT-825 / 829 C SYSTEM: PAL BG NTSC PLAYBACK AV IN / OUT CABLE TUNER Part NumberDescription Unit Qty 10780045546 455K HZ RESONATOR "KYOCERA" PC 1 11310100517 CARBON FILM RESISTOR 100 OHM 1/16W +-5% PC 2 11310200517 CARBON FILM RESISTOR 1K OHM 1/16W +-5% PC 1 11310300517 CARBON FILM RESISTOR 10K OHM 1/16W +-5% PC 1 11310900517 CARBON FILM RESISTOR 1 OHM 1/16W +-5% PC 1 11347300517 CARBON FILM RESISTOR 47K OHM 1/16W +-5% PC 1 11368200517 CARBON FILM RESISTOR 6.8K OHM 1/16W +-5% PC 1 12747604203 ELECT. CAP. 47 MFD 16V +-20% PC 1 13060010100 INFRARED EMITTER EL-1L1 KODENSHI PC 1 13121071929 TRANSISTOR 2SA719R/S MATSUSHITA PC 1 13123094500 TRANSISTOR 2SC945 NEC PC 1 13380301033 I.C. SAA3010T PHILIPS PC 1 17272600099 BARE WIRE 54MM M 0.11 190R63301P2 REMOTE P.C.B. (050896) PC 1 51626040810 SELF-TAPPING SCREW 2.6 X 8 P/T (HARDEN) PC 2 774R6330100 BATTERY SPRING (+VE) PC 1 774R6330200 BATTERY SPRING (-VE) PC 1 774R6330300 BATTERY SPRING (+-VE) PC 1 81004110413 POLYBAG 4" X 11" X 0.04MM W/RE-CYCLING MARK PC 1 849R6330100 KEY PAD {FULL 40 KEYS} PC 1 892R6332301 DIAL KEY PLATE - ENG STD W/FINE TUNE W/O TXT PC 1 900R63

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