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Now downloading free:IBM B323 JES2 JCL Error Study and Requirements; Mosteller

IBM B323 JES2 JCL Error Study and Requirements; Mosteller free download

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In our installation, our budget is not always sufficient for our requirements. That could be true in most installations, but in smaller shops the percentage of the data processing budget SESSION REPORT lil SHARE NO. B323 SESSION NO. J E S 2 SESSION TITLE Wi 11 i amMo s t e 11 e r --= ~SHARE~ JES2: JCL Error Study and Requirements Potpourr_i__~6=5_______ ATTENDANCE BC.G required for software would always be higher than a larger installa- PROJECT SESSION CHAIRMAN INST. CODe tion, since basically all the same software is required. Because of this, either we do not always acquire the software we should Boei~g Computer Services Company. 7990 Gallows Court, Vienna, VA 22180, 703 821 6208 have, or we support 'home-grown' or 'free' software which requires seSSION CHAIRMAN'S COMPANY. ADDRESS. and PHONE NUMBER more maintenance. As an example, IBM over the last few years has added different program products to the full MVS IPO system. In themselves, some of these products are not that expensive and most large installations already have them. But in our case, each time we have to justify this new product. Currently, we use a segmented IPO, not the full IPO, because of this. As well, monies to send technical staff on courses and to make a regul

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