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Now downloading free:Agilent E9988 90080 Keysight Medalist i3070 Inline PLC software version 1 46 Release Note Keysight i3070 Inl

Agilent E9988 90080 Keysight Medalist i3070 Inline PLC software version 1 46 Release Note Keysight i3070 Inl free download

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File name:E9988_90080_Keysight_Medalist_i3070_Inline_PLC_software_version_1_46_Release_Note Keysight i3070 Inl
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Model:E9988 90080 Keysight Medalist i3070 Inline PLC software version 1 46 Release Note Keysight i3070 Inl 🔎
Original:E9988 90080 Keysight Medalist i3070 Inline PLC software version 1 46 Release Note Keysight i3070 Inl 🔎
Descr: Agilent E9988_90080_Keysight_Medalist_i3070_Inline_PLC_software_version_1_46_Release_Note Keysight i3070 Inline PLC Software Version 1.46 Release Note c20140805 [10].pdf
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File name E9988_90080_Keysight_Medalist_i3070_Inline_PLC_software_version_1_46_Release_Note Keysight i3070 Inl

Keysight i3070 Inline PLC Software Version 1.46 Release Note Dear Customer, Keysight Technologies is pleased to introduce the i3070 Inline PLC software version 1.46 (PLC 1.46) for our existing i3070 Series 5i Inline in-circuit testers. No pre-requisite is required to install this release. What's new in PLC 1.46 release? 1. Memory storage for 50 recipe profiles based on unique fixture ID 2. Ability to load/unload fixture in one single step. 3. Display of fixture ID at Production mode 4. Read Press positions and error codes from computer While the PLC 1.46 release improves the stability of the PLC software, the key enhancement is in fixture management. With the memory storage for 50 recipe profiles, you can now calibrate each individual fixture with the i3070 Inline system. The calibration data can then be stored based on the fixture ID for fast recall in future use, reducing setup time during product change. Fixture setup time is further reduced with the new one touch "Change Jig" command. In addition, the test engineer no longer needs to navigate the touch panel in search of fixture ID and Press parameters. The fixture ID is now displayed at Production mode and all the Press parameters such as Standby position and error codes can be read from the PC. The engineer can also log these parameters and error codes into a log file for reference purpose. The PLC 1.46 release will be the last software version supporting standard fixture profile namely; 75 mm, 85 mm and 100 mm. With the above enhancement, these 3 standard fixture profiles have become redundant and will be removed from future PLC software releases (effective from version 2.00). Other enhancements are listed in the Appendix. Please visit Appendix: 1. 50 recipe profiles for unique fixture ID and Press height This feature is also known as Recipe control, in short. There are a total of 50 memory profiles and each memory profile can store a unique fixture ID along with its Press height positions. To use this, set Recipe Control to ON at Setting 4. To calibrate the Press height profile, goto Maintenance -> Calibration Then, initialize the Press to "Origin Done", select "Recipe" to enter into "Recipe Configuration" Select "Recipe Go Pos" to enter "Recipe Go Position" to validate Press profiles. Current Model - view the existing Press height profiles in Validate Press positioning detail. Calibrate Model - Adjust Press Height profile Manual Select - manually select Press Height profile Auto Search

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