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Now downloading free:Keithley 3526-1,1

Keithley 3526-1,1 free download

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Descr: Keithley 2001M CDROM Digital Multimeters - Data Acquisition - Switch Systems Product Information CD_Content pdfs data_sheets 3526-1,1.pdf
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TECHNICAL DATA MODEL 2700 MULTIMETER/ DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM M O D E L 2 7 0 0 M U LT I M E T E R / D ATA A C Q U I S I T I O N S Y S T E M Table of Contents Introduction The Model 2700 61/2-digit Multimeter/Data Acquisition system blends Keithley's high performance DMM technology, our switching expertise, and our data 3 Overview acquisition knowledge into a compact, affordable, easy-to-use package. This 3 Front and Rear Panel Views technical data sheet provides a comprehensive overview of the system and includes complete detailed specifications. 3 Measurement Ranges The Model 2700 Multimeter/Data Acquisition System consists of the 2700 4 Measurement Control Module Capabilities mainframe and a choice of five switch/control modules. The two-slot main- 4 Module Capabilities Overview frame allows two different types of multiplexer or control modules to operate simultaneously. Input modules can be mixed or matched to provide a broad 5 Module Combination Selector Guide range of measurement, acquisition, and control capabilities. 5 Channel Configuration Capabilities The Model 2700 provides up to 80 channels of multiplexed measurement and 6 Scanning Capabilities control. Each channel can be configured independently. Settings can be con- figured via the computer controller (over GPIB or RS-232) or the front panel of 7 Triggering and I/O Capabilities the Model 2700 mainframe. 7 Trigger Sources The Model 2700's ActiveX-based start-up software, Xlinx, enables users to con- figure the system, log multiple channels of data in real-time, troubleshoot any 8 Alarm Limits given channel, and send data directly to Excel or disk. Configuration is done in 8 On-board Data Storage the familiar Windows "point-and-click" environment; therefore, there's no need to program or write lines of code. 9 Saving/Recalling a Setup If you have any questions after reviewing this information, please contact your 9 Power Failure Recovery local Keithley representative or call one of our Applications Engineers at

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