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Now downloading free:Agilent Millimeter Wave Frequency Extenders From Virginia Diodes Inc. - Technical Overview 5991-3161EN c2014

Agilent Millimeter Wave Frequency Extenders From Virginia Diodes Inc. - Technical Overview 5991-3161EN c2014 free download

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File name:Millimeter Wave Frequency Extenders From Virginia Diodes Inc. - Technical Overview 5991-3161EN c2014
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File name Millimeter Wave Frequency Extenders From Virginia Diodes Inc. - Technical Overview 5991-3161EN c2014

Keysight Technologies Millimeter Wave Frequency Extenders From Virginia Diodes Inc. for the Keysight X-Series Signal Analyzers Technical Overview The Keysight Technologies, Inc. The N9029AVxx signal analyzer frequency extension modules expand the mea- X-series signal analyzers provide surement range of microwave signal generators up into the millimeter frequency outstanding performance across a range. They combine low conversion loss with excellent noise figure to provide broad set of characteristics, such as the best possible sensitivity for measuring low-level signals. dynamic range, displayed average noise level (DANL), distortion performance, phase noise, and measurement speed for frequencies up to 50 GHz. When paired with a new line of frequency extenders from Virginia Diodes Inc. (VDI), many of these capabilities are available up to 1.1 THz to meet the requirements of both established and emerging millimeter wave applications. Figure 1. The N9029AV03 frequency extender covers the WR3.4 band from 220 to 330 GHz. The N9029AVxx modules can be used in two different operating modes, depend- ing on the type of signals to be measured. In standard mode (see Figure 2), the LO signal comes from the signal analyzer, gets multiplied to a much higher frequency, and is mixed with the incoming millimeter signal entering the module from the waveguide input. The resulting 322.5 MHz IF signal is then routed back into the signal analyzer. A built-in diplexer enables both the LO and IF signals to share the same cable, allowing a single coaxial cable to provide the connection between the signal analyzer and the N9029AVxx frequency extender. In this mode, the signal identification and image suppression features of the Keysight X-series signal analyzers can be used to correctly identify the actual RF frequency and remove spurious signals. Amplitude readings on the signal analyzer can be corrected with the conversion loss table, which is stored on a USB memory stick included with each N9029AVxx module so that it can be easily downloaded into the signal analyzer's memory. The standard mode is useful for general spectrum analysis and works best with stable CW or narrowband signals.

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