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Now downloading free:Keithley 2010-910-01A

Keithley 2010-910-01A free download

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Model:2010-910-01A 🔎
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Descr: Keithley 2001M CDROM Digital Multimeters - Data Acquisition - Switch Systems Product Information CD_Content pdfs 2010-910-01A.pdf
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Model 2010 Multimeter Keithley Instruments, Inc. 28775 Aurora Road Release Note Cleveland, Ohio 44139 (440) 248-0400 Introduction The Model 2010 Multimeter implements device-dependent commands used by the Keithley Models 196 and 199 digital multimeters. The "R" command is used to set the range for the selected function. For the ohms function, the selected range depends on the Firmware Revision of the Model 2010. The firware revision is displayed during power-up. Example display message for A12 firmware: REV A12 A02 This Release Note affects the Model 2010 Multimeter User's Manual (Appendix D) and the Quick Refer- ence Guide. Keep the master copy of this release note with these manuals. Also, make one or more copies of this release note and attach the information in the appropriate places in the manuals. Device-dependent command programming Range (R) command Range selection for the ohms function depends on the Revision Level of the Model 2010 and is summa- rized by the following table: Range selection for ohms function Model 2010 Firmware Revision Range Command A0 through A10 A11 A12 and higher for Ohms* R0 Auto Auto Auto R1 100 1k 100 R2 1k 10k 1k R3 10k 100k 10k R4 100k 1M 100k R5 1M 10M 1M R6 10M 100M 10M R7 10M 100M 10M R8 NA NA 100M * 2-wire and 4-wire ohms 2010-910-01 Rev. A / 12-02

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