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12V Dual Power Amplifier BA5406 Dimensions (Unit: mm) The BA5406 is a monolithic dual OTL power amplifier containing two sets of high-power AF power amplifiers. The device delivers 5 watts x 2 into 30 loads with a 12V supply, or 2.8 watts x 2 into 30 loads with a 9V supply. The BA5406 features minimal power-on pop noise and immunity to supply voltage drop. With its minimal RF radiation, the device is ideally suited for use in stereo radio cassette recorders. m.Jmmmlmlmlmfmlmlmmlia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Fig. 1 Block Diagram Features 1. Minimal power-on pop noise. 2. Immunity to supply voltage drop (operates down to Vcc=45V typ.). 3. Excellent channel balance. 4. L o w d i s t o r t i o n (THD=0.3% at PO=O.5W). 5. SIP package for mounting ease and saved space on a PC board. 6. Ripple filter input (pin 6) can also be used as a muting control input. 7. Symmetrical pin configuration facilitates art work. 8. Low thermal resistance of the package makes heat-sink design easy. 9. Built-in high-frequency phase compensation capacitor. IO. Minimal RF radiation allows for free system layout. Fig. 2 Internal Equivalent Circuit Applications Stereo radio cassette recorders Desktop stereo systems Multiplexed audio subchannels for TV sets Fig. 3 179 Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25"C) Back-me;;1 temperature 75°C Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter ~--Supply voltage * Symbol ice j Min.' - 5 ' Typ.' 12 '1 Max. " 15 . Unit 1 v Electrical Characteristics (Ta=25"C, Vcc= 12V) / Symbol / Min. _- _ TYP.: Max.~,. JJnit i 1 Conditions Electrical Characteristics (Ta=25"C, Vcc=SV) Parameter - _ -_._Owescent currenl Closed loop voltage gain Rated output power Raled output power Symbol Min 10 / Gvc 15 43 TYP. 35 46 Max, ' Unit mA Conditions I 70 / lnpul Impedance Test Circuit .. Power supp Application Example 33on + 1OOOrF o VCC 51n I---%"- "I' j" 33uF I I /1/ I 60.221rF SP 3n + 5w uosea ror ICC - ^^^l,.^ . ..^^I -4 I I I 1 I 10 Fig. 5 Electrical Characteristic Curves A M B I E N T T E M P E R A T U R E : Ta (`C) SUPPLY VOLTAGE : VCC (VI AMBiENT T E M P E R A T U R E : is (`cl Frg 6 Thermal derating curves Fig. 7 Voltage gain/quiescent current vs. supply voltage Frg. 8 Total harmonic drstortionivoltage garniquiescent current vs. ambient temoerature "IO loo Iii FREOUENCY IOk I (Hz) look 0 IO 100 Ik FREOVENCY : t (Hz) iOk look Frg. 9 Voltage gain vs. frequency Fig. IO Crosstalk vs. frequency Frg. 11 Total harmonic distortion vs. supply voltage ,W 14 FREOUENCY I IHZ! 1Qk IOOk o.ll. 1 0 i I I llillll ,o S U P P L Y V O L T A G E : Vcc (V) OUTPUT POWER : Pour (WI Fig. 12 Total harmonic distortion vs. frequency Fig. 13 Total harmonic distortion vs. ouptut power Fig. 14 Output power vs. supply voltage Electrical Characteristic Curves SUPPLY VOLTAGE : V C C (V) OUTPUT POWER PO (W) OUTPUT POWER : POUT(W) Fig. 15 Output power vs. supply voltage Fig. 16 Power dissipati

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