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Now downloading free:Minolta KB0000008

Minolta KB0000008 free download

Copier office machines (laser, ink-jet,multifunctional devices)

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File name:KB0000008.PDF
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Model:KB0000008 🔎
Original:KB0000008 🔎
Descr: Minolta Copiers Di620 KB0000008.PDF
Group:Electronics > Office equipment > Copiers
Multipart:No multipart

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Knowledge Data Base ( KDB No.: KB0000008 / Status: Close ) *** PMN *** Model: Di620 Problem Machine: Di620 Title: Notes when Print Adaptor KIT is installed Symptom: Others / Others(Others) Symptom Explanation: Notice: When Print Adaptor is installed to operate Di620 as MicroPress, the following work needed to be done. 1. In case of Unspeed-up respondent machine(before S/No.xx9220) After "Print adaptor 06211/F KIT #4623-131(for the printer before speed-up)" is installed please improve the following program in version. 1) after IC26IB:23G028-00(after P/No.1155-6607-49) Note 1) It is reported with S/B No.1155-028C. 2) IC70B:10G055-00 Note 2) It is possible to obtain from SW/FW Download Service. 3) IC2A:50G019-00 Note 3) IC2A(2) which memories this version is newly established as market parts. 2. In case of speed-up respondent machine(after S/No.xx9221) After " Print adaptor 06211/F KIT #4623-132(for the printer after speed-up)" is installed, please improve the following program in version. 1) after IC70B:10H004-00(after P/No.:1155-0756-03) Note 4) It is reported with S/B No.1155-040E. 2) IC2A:50H019-00 Note 5) The program of IC2A(3) on the print board A is changed. (Change Execution S/No: xx14869~) Temporary Measure: CounterMeasure: Cause: Problem Rank: Check C Parts Modification Notice: Ref.No.: SW/FW Distribution: Category: PPC\Digital-B/W Expand Machine: Di620(Main Unit) Di620PE(Main Unit) Di621(Main Unit) Cause Area: Firmware Original Report: Information Date: 22.12.99 Edit Date: 22.12.99 Created by: koji tokuyama/minolta

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