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11. STAND ALONE TEST 11. STAND ALONE TEST 11.1 Introduction This manual explains how to examine the status of RX and TX of the model. A. Tx Test TX test- this is to see if the transmitter of the phones is activating normally B. Rx Test RX test- this is to see if the receiver of the phones is activating normally. 11.2 Setting Method A. COM port a. Move your mouse on the "Connect" button, then click the right button of the mouse and select "Com setting". b. In the "Dialog Menu", select the values as explained below. - Port : select a correct COM - Baudrate : 38400 - Leave the rest as default values B. Tx 1. Selecting Channel - Select one of GSM or DCS Band and input appropriate channel. 2. Selecting APC a. Select either Power level or Scaling Factor. b. Power level - Input appropriate value GSM (between 5~19) or DCS (between 0~15) c. Scaling Factor - A `Ramp Factor' appears on the screen. - You may adjust the shape of the Ramp or directly input the values. C. Rx 1. Selecting Channel - Select one of GSM or DCS Band and input appropriate channel. 2. Gain Control Index (0~ 26) and RSSI level - See if the value of RSSI is close to -16dBm when setting the value between 0 ~ 26 in Gain Control Index. - Normal phone should indicate the value of RSSI close to -16dBm. - 121 - 11. STAND ALONE TEST 11.3 Means of Test a. Select a COM port b. Set the values in Tx or Rx c. After setting them all above, press Start button of Signal. - 122 - 12. AUTO CALIBRATION 12. AUTO CALIBRATION 12.1 Overview AutoCal (Auto Calibration) is the PC side calibration tool that perform Rx and Tx calibration with Agilent 8960 or other equipment. AutoCal generate calibration data by communicating with phone and measuring equipment and write it into calibration data block of flash memory in GSM phone. 12.2 Requirements

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