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Now downloading free:CANON POWERSHOT G2

CANON POWERSHOT G2 free download

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SERVICE BULLETIN SV/VC Issued by Canon Europa N.V. MODEL: PowerShot G2 (BLACK) No.: PS-118 (AJ-0054E) Date: 29.03.02 SUBJECT: PARTS CATALOG The titled model will be released in March 2002 by changing the color of external cover of the PowerShot G2 from silver to black. As a new service part, a black external cover is established in addition to the service parts of the PowerShot G2. The Parts Catalog is attached to this bulletin. For repair service, refer to the Service Manual of the PowerShot G2(CY8-4373-031). SV/VC -2- PS-118 PowerShot G2 (BLACK) PARTS CATALOG CONTENTS Main parts/units ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pg1 TOP UNIT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pg2 FLASH/SPEAKER UNIT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pg3 REAR PLATE UNIT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pg4 BATTERY BOX UNIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pg5 LCD/HINGE UNIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pg6 Accessories-1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pg7 Category of CLASS A: Frequency of use: High B: Frequency of use: Middle C: Frequency of use: Low D: Safety-related critical parts E: Consumable parts F: Standard screws and washers S: Supply of the parts is limited SV/VC

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