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MSI MS6347 free download

Mother board, main board pcb info and schematics

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File name:6347v10.rar
Size:956 kB
Model:MS6347 🔎
Descr:AMD K7 socket462 Chipset VIA KT133 Service Manual (Schematics)
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Motherboards
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File name 6347v10.PDF

1 7/15/2000 Update Title Page 1 2 3 4,5 6,7,8 9,10 11 12,13,14 15,16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29,30 31,32,33 Version 100 MS-6347 Micro-ATX CPU: AMD Socket-462 Processor Cover Sheet Block Diagram Clock Synthesizer 462PGA Socket KT133(VT8363)---North Bridge System Memory AGPPRO 4X SLOT PCI Connectors 686A/B------------South Bridge ATA33/66/100 Connectors USB & KB & MS Parallel / Serial Port BIOS & FAN Size : 12"*9.6" Layer:4 Stack:Component/Gnd/Power/Solder 5 mils trace impenence 60 Ohms Dielectric ~ 4.1 Prepreq ~ 4.7 mils 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 25 mils mils mils mils mils mils mils mils --------55.74 51.64 48.14 45.11 42.46 40.12 38.03 22.90 Ohm Ohm Ohm Ohm Ohm Ohm Ohm Ohm A A System Chipset: VIA KT133(North) + 686A (South) Expansion: AGP-pro SLOT* 1 PCI2.2 SLOT* 6 CNR SLOT * STANDARD VIA drill 20 mils, finished 16 mils All drill hole are with 13 mils clearance in Power & GND Layer only Front Panel Linear Regulator & STR(OPT) Power Good Circuit SC1155 CPU Power Bypass Capacitors ACPI & CNR Riser 1(shared) On Board: AC97 Codec SCSI AIC-7892+AIC_3860 1394 TSB12LV26+TSB41LV02 Option-C Option-A SCSI+1394 SCSI AC'97 Codec Audio/Game Port Ti 1394 7892 SCSI ECN 34 MICRO-STAR P01-6347100 Title MS-6347 Size Document Number COVER SHEET Thursday, July 27, 2000 Sheet 1 of 35 Rev 0A Date: 1 5 4 3 2 1 D D z10001 74f00 1 2 C C B B A A Title {Title} Size A Date: 5 4 3 Document Number {Doc} Thursday, July 27, 2000 2 Rev {RevCode} Sheet 1 1 of 1 1 Block Diagram VRM 9.0 K7 462-Pin Socket Processor Clock STR is optional INT & PWR-MNG Clock Buffer ADDR(In -Out) AGP 2X/4X KZ133 (8363) PWR-MNG DATA 16 Clock Buffer DIMM4 3 DIMM Modules PC-133 Share with DIMM3 PCI CNTRL PCI ADDR/DATA PCI Conn 1 PCI Conn 2 PCI Conn 3 PCI Conn 4 PCI Conn 5 PCI Conn 6 A IDE Primary IDE Secondary UltraDMA 33/66/100 PCI 2.2 686A A USB Port 1 USB Port 2 USB Port 3 USB Port 4 USB PCI CNTRL PCI ADDR/DATA Hardware Audio SCSI 1394 ISA Bus AC'97 L ink Onboard AC'97 Codec HomePNA/Ethernet interface BIOS CNR Keyboard Mouse Floopy Parallel Serial Game Conn MICRO-STAR Title MS-6347 Size Document Number Block Diagram Thursday, July 27, 2000 Sheet 2 of 35 Rev 0A Date: 1 A B C D E VCC3 * 25 mils Trace on Layer 4 with GND copper around it * put close to every power pin 100U/2 5V EC14 VCC3 MODE:1--pin2=REF0 (Default) 0--pin2=CPU_STP# U10 1 6 14 19 27 30 36 42 VDDQ3 VDDQ3 VDDQ3 VDDQ3 VDDQ3 VDDQ3 VDDQ3 VDDQ2 GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND PCI0/MODE PCI1/FS1 PCI2 PCI3 PCI4 PCI5 SDRAMIN SDRAM_12 SDRAM0 SDRAM1 SDRAM2 SDRAM3 SDRAM4 SDRAM5 SDRAM6 SDRAM7 SDRAM8 SDRAM9 SDRAM10 SDRAM11 CPU_CS CPUC0 CPUT0 X2 7 8 10 11 12 13 15 40 38 37 35 34 32 31 29 28 21 20 18 17 46 44 43 5 FS1 7 5 3 1 RN32 R98 8 6 4 2 8P4R-22 22 PCLKSB PCLKNB PCLKSC PCLKTI PCLKREF R101 10K PCLKSB 15 PCLKNB 7 PCLKSC 31 PCLKTI 29 CPUCLK CPUCLK# C103 X_10P C102 X_10P C110 X_10P C142 10P FB11 YUHBT-601S-B C105 104P VCCCLK C127 105P-C C133 103P C134 C13

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