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msi ms6380e free download

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File name:6380e-10-0311.pdf
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Model:ms6380e 🔎
Descr:Circuit diagram for MS-6380E or KT3 Ultra
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Motherboards
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File name 6380e-10-0311.pdf

5 4 3 2 1 MS-6380E ATX D Title Cover Sheet Block Diagram GPIO SPEC AMD 462 PGA Socket Clock Synthesizer KT333 System Memory DDR Terminations AGP PRO SLOT VT8233-CE PCI Connectors Page 1 2 3 4,5 6 7,8,9 10,11,12 13,14 15 16,17,18 19,20,21 22 23 24,25 26,27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 C AMD PGA 462 Processor VIA KT333 / VT8233A-CE Chipset Winbond 83697HF-VF LPC I/O HISTORY 47 D C CNR RISER / DLED AC'97 Codec Audio SPDIF / 6 Channel connector IDE RAID Controller / Connectors ATA 66/100 Connectors USB 2.0 Host Controller Front USB Port Rear USB Port LPC I/O Hardware monitor MS-6380E ver:0B Standard BOM (without IDE RAID / USB2.0 HC) SMT 861 DIP 78 Total 939 Option A BOM (with IDE RAID / without USB2.0 HC) SMT 934 DIP 80 1014 B B System ROM Keyboard/Mouse Connectors LPT/COM Port Game Port HIP6301 / 6302 CPU Ratio / Vcore / LED Setting AMD CPU Thermal Protection MS-5 ACPI POWER Power Mangement PowerOK Circuit Total Option B BOM (with IDE RAID / USB2.0 HC) SMT 992 DIP 85 1077 Micro Star Restricted Secret Title Document Number Cover Sheet Rev 0B A A Front Panel Pull-up Resistors BULK / Decoupling Total MICRO-STAR INT'L CO.,LTD. No. 69, Li-De St, Jung-He City, Taipei Hsien, Taiwan 5 4 3 2 1 MS-6380E Last Revision Date: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 Sheet 1 of 48 5 4 3 2 1 Block Diagram AMD Socket 462 D D FSB A G C AGP 4X /Fast Write DDR P P 5 PCI Slots KT333 C R O VLINK PCI-33 Dual ATA 100/133 B USB 2.0 PORT X4 USB 2.0 Host Controller VT8235 B LPC BUS IDE RAID Controller IEEE 802.3MAC( MII) C N R SUPER I/O USB ROM AC-LINK X BUS A AC'97 Codec A Dual USB 1.1 OHCI /2.0 EHCI 6 Ports Micro Star Restricted Secret Title Document Number Block Diagram MS-6380E Last Revision Date: Monday, March 11, 2002 Sheet 2 of 48 Rev 0B MICRO-STAR INT'L CO.,LTD. No. 69, Li-De St, Jung-He City, Taipei Hsien, Taiwan 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 GPIO FUNCTION VT8233 GPIO Function Define PIN NAME D Function define GPO0 SUSA# SUSB# SUSST1# SUSCLK CPUSTP# PCISTP# SLP# Exteranl Pull up to VCC3 Exteranl Pull up to VCC3 GPI10(PRI_DOWN) PIN NAME GPI0 GPI1 GPI2/EXTSMI# GPI3/RING# GPI4/LID# GPI5/BATLOW# GPI6/PME# GPI7/SMBALRT# GPI16/INTRUDER# GPI17/CPUMISS GPI18/AOLGP1/THRM# GPI19/IORDY Function define D GPO0 (VSUS33) GPO1/SUSA#(VSUS33) GPO2/SUSB#(VSUS33) GPO3/SUSST1#(VSUS33) GPO4/SUSCLK(VSUS33) GPO5/CPUSTP# GPO6/PCISTP# GPO7/SLP# GPO8/GPI8/IPBIN0 C GPI0 ATADET0=>Detect IDE1 ATA100/66 EXTSMI# RING# ATADET1=>Detect IDE2 ATA100/66 Exteranl Pull up to 3VDUAL PME# Exteranl Pull up to 3VDUAL Exteranl Pull down Exteranl Pull up to 3VDUAL THRM# Exteranl Pull up to VCC3 PCI SLOT 2 DEVICES PCI SLOT 1 PCI INT# INT#A INT#B INT#C INT#D INT#B INT#C INT#D INT#A INT#C INT#D INT#A INT#B INT#D INT#A INT#B INT#C INT#B INT#C INT#D INT#A INT#C INT#D INT#A INT#D IDSEL AD16 REQ#/GNT# PREQ#0 PGNT#0 PREQ#1 PGNT#1 PREQ#2 PGNT#2 PCIREQ#3 PCIGNT#3 PCIREQ#4 PCIGNT#4 PCIREQ#6 AD22 PCIGNT#6 PCIG

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