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Now downloading free:Ericsson 13130-2 FEA209544 21UEN B

Ericsson 13130-2 FEA209544 21UEN B free download

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File name:13130-2_FEA209544_21UEN_B.PDF
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Model:13130-2 FEA209544 21UEN B 🔎
Original:13130-2 FEA209544 21UEN B 🔎
Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment Ericsson Mobile Phones ERICSSON R320 ERICSSON R320 3 13130-2_FEA209544_21UEN_B.PDF
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Standard Equipment List Standard Equipment List Applicable for R320s and R320sc The equipment listed below is required to repair the R320 series and to be used when repairing the phone. Mechanical Repair Equipment In addition to the item listed below, all items according to General Equipment List for Mechanical repair - 131-30-1/FEA 209 544 is needed to perform Mechanical repairs. # Title Product Code Qty Information A1 Torque screwdriver NTZ 112 287/33 1 Pre-set to 33 Ncm A1-1 Torx bits no. 6 NTZ 112 288 1 Spare part to screwdriver A2-1 Front opening tool NTZ 112 302 2 A2-2 Side opening tool NTZ 112 303 1 A3 Programming Interface NTZ 112 334 1 For the system connector W1 RS-232 Cable, PC-Prog. RPM 113 317/3 1 Interface A4 Battery BKB 193 117 1 Buy the accessory at local market A4 Battery Charger BML 162 130 1 -"- A5 Vehicle Handsfree DPY 901 60 1 -"- A6 Ir-device 1 IrDa compliant with transfer rate of 115.2 Kbaud 131 30-2/FEA 209 544/21 B Approved according to 1776-2/FEA 209 544 Standard Equipment List Standard Repair Equipment In addition to the item listed below all items according to General Equipment List for Standard repair - 131 30-2/FEA 209 544 and instrument according to Instrument List - 1/131 30-2/FEA 209 544 is needed to perform Standard repairs. # Title Product Code Qty Information A7 Trouble shooting fixture LTD 260 242/2 1 A7-1 Stand NTZ 112 249 1 W2 Antenna connector RNT 799 05 1 W3 Coax. Cable RPM 113 2375 1 (N-SMA) A8 Dummy Battery NTZ 112 388

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