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Now downloading free:CANON gpgen-17

CANON gpgen-17 free download

Copier office machines (laser, ink-jet,multifunctional devices)

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SERVICE BULLETIN COPIER Issued by Canon Europa N.V. MODEL: NETWORK PRINTER BOARD-F1 No.: GP-GEN-017 (99-OIPD0-B0004) Date: 05.03.99 LOCATION: SYSTEM SOFTWARE SUBJECT: SYSTEM SOFTWARE V1.0/V1.01 RELEASE Network Printer Board-F1 (GP-F1) is a network support printer board supporting PS3 which is installed in model GP605/605P. REASON New release. History of System Versions Service Bulletin Ver. No. Description Ver. 1.01 Added specifications and modified defects - Image Runner Support - The defect caused when multiple GP F1 exist on the same network by Auto Configuration was modified. - Boot ROM upgrade Ver. 1.00 New Release DETAILS Modifications in Ver. 1.01 No. Item Description 1 Image RUNNER support GP605/605P and ImagerRUNNER600/60 become selectable when booting in order to introduce into the USA market. 1. System Software If [US] is specified from [English] in [Language Setup], it starts as iR version, and if [Others] is specified from [English], it starts as GP version. 2. Printer Driver It is iR version if installed from "US-English", and it is GP version if installed from "International-English". There is no difference in function between them. 2 If you install multiple printer =Printer Driver for Windows 9x= drivers (one for each PS Board Unit), the automatic configuration feature of the printer driver, although intended to configure a single PS board, affects all installed printer drivers. 3 Boot ROM updated As the manufacturer changes Ethernet chip (from DEC to Intel), initialization process of GP PS-F1 is changed. The latest Boot ROM supports both Ethernet Chips. COPIER -2- GP-GEN-017 RESTRICTIONS Here are the restrictions in GP PS-F1 Ver. 1.0 and Ver. 1.01.

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